Chest Bug

Did you somehow lose an item? Post how it happened and an admin will see if you can get an item back.
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Iron miner
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Chest Bug

Post by Chain » December 12th, 2010, 7:52 pm

Ok, just telling how it happened so no one asks me stupid questions. Me and Zuggu got online, and saw that EddyT was online as well, we asked him if he could put adminium around our vault. He said yse and we had some funny moment, bla bla. Then we starting organizing our chests. And in our Ores Chest, we were organizing some gold and iron. A damn bug prevented me from seeing the gold, and made me put some iron onto the gold, and the gold and iron vanished. If any admin can please give it us back, we would be grateful.
(Lost 54G, and 62 Iron)

- Knuckle and Zuggu. (I posted but oh well)

EDIT: Ok, Maxloader has given me and Zuggu the items back, smiley face to him. ^^ :mrgreen: :D
Succumb to us, Heretic!

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