http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... 3Qk#t=495s
i say we build one for all access

Imagine if you could auto-feed animals wheat with dispensers or something, you could have a fully automated pig breeder/raiser/slaughter/cooker.Pestilencemage wrote:Baconator? The one in the video used cheats but I can probably put something together. If the server is less glitchy after the next update, I can put together the ultra breeding system. That sucker will cook pigs for ya quite easily.
Bacon level has reachedDer_Jakal wrote:Imagine if you could auto-feed animals wheat with dispensers or something, you could have a fully automated pig breeder/raiser/slaughter/cooker.Pestilencemage wrote:Baconator? The one in the video used cheats but I can probably put something together. If the server is less glitchy after the next update, I can put together the ultra breeding system. That sucker will cook pigs for ya quite easily.