Christmas Tree

Your mayor is Sooneey.
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Christmas Tree

Post by scope_ion » December 11th, 2010, 9:23 pm

This is the only tree allowed in town.

Please place gifts in the chests around the tree! These gifts are for the people labeled near the chest! Give whatever you want: coal ( if they have been bad ) or diamonds ( why would you give someone diamonds??? ). These gifts will go to those people. REMINDER: This is just for fun. You do NOT have to participate, but you can if you want to. Even if you do not celebrate Christmas, you can still give gifts!

This week:

The chests will change whose gifts they belong to every once and a while, so look out for your name!


PS: JC's top floor in his house is being used for lighting the tree. I hope you don't mind JC! The switchs are being used for lighting it up.
You just lost the game.

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