New CraftBook Plugin

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New CraftBook Plugin

Post by Ace2910 » December 12th, 2011, 12:28 pm

I've seen and used this plugin called "FalseBook".
It's essentially the same thing as CraftBook (Gates, bridges, lifts, toggles, minecarts, etc.) but with "82 Integrated Circuits" (List here:
Since it seems to be staying up to date, at least with the dev versions of bukkit, I would recommend this plugin for this server when it updates to 1.0.0.
You probably wouldn't want all of its features enabled, so it has permissions, obviously.
EDIT: It seems that redstone toggling fire above netherrack was disabled, which is good and bad, if you think about the rave machines.
Link: ... 1564.7227/

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