-Help and procedures-

Gameplay issues and tutorials.
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Joined: September 22nd, 2010, 12:03 am
IGN: Maxloader
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-Help and procedures-

Post by Maxloader » September 28th, 2010, 8:14 am

Creating vault procedure
To the vault owner:
1. Dig deep in the ground (approx 20-30 deep) and make a room of at least 5x5x5 (this makes a vault of 3x3x3 because of the lining)
2. So its up to you how big you make this room, when you are done just call an admin to line the walls and give you further instructions as what to do.
3. The admin will ask you for a password, whisper this to him by means of '/msg playername'
3. If the admin says its done you need to test the warp before the admin closes the last hole.

To the admin lining the vault:
1. The person should have dug their own space in the ground and you have to line the walls with adminium.
2. To spawn adminium: '/item 7' or '/item adminium'
3. Try not to make mistakes, its a pain in the ass for me to remove.
4. When lining the vault keep an opening for a person to get trough (usually at the spot where the player dug into the room).
5. Now ask him for a password, he will whisper you one back.
6. You now create a warp with '/setwarp password' and let the user test it out.
7. You are now done, just close the last 1 or 2 blocks so nobody can get in anymore.
Gameplay issues
Having problems with alot of crashes? here are 2 possible solutions:
1.1 XP users: Close minecraft and delete the folder 'C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\.minecraft' (saves are also in here you might want to back them up)
1.2 Win vista and 7 users: Close minecraft and delete the folder 'C:\users\<username>\AppData\.minecraft' (saves are also in here you might want to back them up)
2. In minecraft press escape and goto options, then put the 'Render distance' on normal, or less (the option far causes alot of crashes)

Keep getting 'Ran out of memory' message?
If you are running on a 64-bit windows, install 64-bit Java.
Protection signs
Make a sign nest to your chest and put '[protection]' (without the quotes) on the first line of the sign.
This will automatically make the adjacent chest(s) protected so only you, mods and admins can open it.
You can also add up to 2 other people on the middle 2 lines to let them in the chest too.
You can find more info about signs here: http://ess.khhq.net/wiki/Sign_Tutorial
If you want to donate for my server, please press Image. thanks :)
More info about donating: http://www.maxloader.nl/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=4 (#14)