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Post by Midevele1 » June 30th, 2011, 6:44 am

Hello, this is a introduction of the new city (Understone), this started out as vaultville (dont hate) and it was supposed to have magic turtles fly you back and forth thanks to max XD, but now we decided to make an underground city, we have been working hard to build this and it will be done soon, for now we have a couple of condos available, and for a modest price, the house is made or ores and tons of mossy, and depending on what you want (like a obsidian floor) it can cost you anywhere from 300 (tiny room) to 10k (16x16x5 w/ 4 rooms -note the other rooms can range on size) they have been customized, wlollpop bought a condo which was pretty big for the modest price of 1500 and it was cactused out. another paid more and got a huge room w/ obsidian flooring. every big room has a fireplace, and it has a huge public mine that comes with it (goes under the ocean) the only rules are

-if you have unwanted mining materials place them in a chest for other miners to use
-no killing unless permitted by midevele1 or harark1
-no changing the room size unless permitted by midevele1 or harark1
-no greifing
-no creepers
-if you have nothing nice to say say nothing
-all complaints must be hand written and posted on the front office desk

upgrades are available, and in the mines there are plenty of dungeons and mob traps, look hard, if you cant afford a big room at first, then buy small and pay the difference when you can afford it.

have a nice day :D
Last edited by Midevele1 on July 2nd, 2011, 2:42 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Vaultville

Post by Sooneey » June 30th, 2011, 8:13 am

[03:27:35] james hay: no vauly sharing. we can sort it out tomorrow

That was this morning i sent this to you on skype. On screensharing with my phone and mispelt vault)

What have I said to you for the last week or two? No vault sharing I explained this to you and everyone else who has been doing so.

A town? In a vault?

A) You are lucky an admin help build that vault with admin powers and make it massive, we don't have to do that.

B) Vaults are for personal use only, to keep your items safe. No other reason, not for showing off.

C) How on earth do people get into the "town" if a vault is made of bedrock because that warp will disappear.

D) If you want to build an underground town, you can. However build it elsewhere. No town has had admin powers to build.

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Re: Vaultville

Post by Midevele1 » June 30th, 2011, 8:17 am

lol its easy, magic Llamas, they shall take people to and fro

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Re: Vaultville

Post by Maxloader » June 30th, 2011, 9:04 am

Midevele1 wrote:lol its easy, magic Llamas, they shall take people to and fro
i like turtles
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Re: Vaultville

Post by Midevele1 » June 30th, 2011, 9:55 am

okay then magic turtles XD, tis a shame you moved it all out -.-

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Re: Vaultville

Post by Midevele1 » July 2nd, 2011, 2:30 am

there i updated it for the needs and requirements of the admins (meaning no more vault)

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Re: Understone

Post by GeeDave » July 10th, 2011, 8:20 pm

... where is it? Location location location!

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Re: Understone

Post by Midevele1 » July 13th, 2011, 3:37 am

okay its rather close to spawn, just ask me and ill show you


Re: Understone

Post by LumpyCustard7 » July 14th, 2011, 10:40 pm


mind = blown

i can pay for a house, that is if it costs cobble. 10,000 cobble can't be that hard to get amirite

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Re: Understone

Post by Midevele1 » July 15th, 2011, 5:16 am

the currency depends on what you want and what your offering

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Re: Understone

Post by Midevele1 » July 20th, 2011, 1:50 am

quick question @max how do i officially make this a town (so it goes into the town forum slot) its big enough, and im pretty much ready. :3

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Re: Understone

Post by Maxloader » July 21st, 2011, 7:42 am

I quote this from the town section in the rules post here: http://www.maxloader.nl/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=4
A town has a city hall with all the rules on signs, and at least 1 mayor and 3 citizens this to prevent town spamming.
A town has an incinerator.
To make a new town official it needs 3 citizens and a mayor, and admin permission.
Floating towns made of flat dirt or cobblestone is not allowed. Ask an admin before building anything in the sky before.
Connect your town to other towns by at least a road made of gravel, a river / train track are optional. (but recommended)
Each new town receives 256 railroad tracks, to be handed out from an admin to a mayor.
When making a river or train track to another town, the other town must concur with this plan.
If you want to donate for my server, please press Image. thanks :)
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