Ultra Hardcore

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Ultra Hardcore

Post by FallenTuesday » May 6th, 2012, 6:31 am

Ultra Hardcore is a game where you and multiple others start out on a new world (using a mod) each person spawns in a different spot. The goal is to be the last person standing. Health does not regenerate normally it takes golden apples (1.5 hearts and requires ingots instead of nuggets) or health potions. Pressing tab shows each players health. The map you start off in is naturally generated except there are bedrock barriers marking the world at 2000x2000 blocks.

I think we should have planned events of this, if we can't change our server we may be able to make a different one to do it so we wouldn't have to worry about pluggins and maps.

http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/100 ... rexxx-mod/ link to the mod

youtube people that have already done this:
Baj - http://www.youtube.com/w92baj
BdoubleO - http://www.youtube.com/bdoubleo100
Docm - http://www.youtube.com/docm77
Etho - http://www.youtube.com/ethoslab
Guude - http://www.youtube.com/guudeboulderfist
Just_defy - http://www.youtube.com/JustD3fy
Kurt - http://www.youtube.com/kurtjmac
Nebris - http://www.youtube.com/nebris88
Pakratt - http://www.youtube.com/pakratt13
Pause - http://www.youtube.com/pauseunpause
VintageBeef - http://www.youtube.com/vintagebeef
Zisteau - http://www.youtube.com/Zisteau
† Ðrαmαmînε †


Re: Ultra Hardcore

Post by LumpyCustard7 » May 6th, 2012, 3:47 pm

One already happened. It wasn't successful.

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