The Siege

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The Siege

Post by scope_ion » January 23rd, 2011, 5:46 pm

Ok, so I got an idea. First of all, the Siege will be a zillion zambies being led by a few people to a castle. If Max allows it, all participants will be given spawning rights before we start. The point is to defend from a bunch of zambies. Ok, we actually REALLY need spawning to do this, because we need a castle and zombie spawners and armor and bows and weapons. Ok, people will make a castle, and depending on how many people sign up, there will be a certain amount of time to build it. At the time of building, it MUST be day. Now, after the deadline, a certain time will become night, for 1 to 1 1/2 days, it will be night. The zambies will be rounded up by a few players with diamond armor, and the battle will begin! The zambie leaders (the players bringing the zambies to the castle) will enter the fort followed by a bunch of zambies. Or ty, at least. The people in the castle will have arrow cannons, maybe arrow dispensers, TNT cannons, archers, swordsmen, and lots of good things. If at least one person is alive after the Seige, the Castle wins. If everybody is dead, the zambies win.

So, yes or no? I think this is a awesome idea.
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Re: The Siege

Post by Sooneey » January 23rd, 2011, 7:21 pm

Cool idea I thought of the same sorta thing before but you beat me too it :P

It would be more fun I believe for no spawning but more of a currency, lets say there's some chests filled with armour with your name on it. You can take the armour out ONLY if you replace it with the currency.

Ofcourse this will be based on trusting the players not to just take the stuff out and run or take other peoples stuff so there will be mods/admin watching over to make sure nobody is being sneaky.

So to sum it up, if you play this game you come to a "standard castle" (Square shaped with no towers)

1) In the starting chests are 5 iron/steel pickaxes 5 iron/steel spades and 5 iron/steel axes.
They would be split according to does what. So you can set miners to get resources such as cobble for new defence, moat diggers to dig moats to slow down zombies and lumberjacks to get wood for nearly all crafting needs.

2) Once you get certain amount of supplys which are not needed but are worth something (gold/glass/logs) you can trade it in for armour or weapons.

Gold from mining.
Glass from digging. (Sand in a furnace)
Logs from chopping.

So really has a whole cycle.

That's my basic idea atm, funnily enough I was thinking of an idea like this before scope even mentioned it but like he did with the roller-coaster idea he said it before me :P

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Re: The Siege

Post by scope_ion » January 23rd, 2011, 7:37 pm

Great idea! Your just slow. XD

So maybe we can do it for a week until the Seige? So we have more time?
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Re: The Siege

Post by Sooneey » January 23rd, 2011, 7:55 pm

I think we should find a nice open area to start and build a very basic castle. See what other ideas we get whilst building, you agree?

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Re: The Siege

Post by scope_ion » January 23rd, 2011, 8:02 pm

Oh yeah! Next time we are together we will start.
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Re: The Siege

Post by scope_ion » January 23rd, 2011, 8:08 pm

Ok. If you want to join the castle, say this then tell what you want to do. I'll make a list of people.

I swear to protect the Castle with my life. I will stay with it until my final heart. I swear that if I survive this treacherous fight, I will feed the Great Scope_ion cake. I will destroy every zambie. All of them. I [name here] will crush them!!!
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Re: The Siege

Post by Tijl » January 24th, 2011, 10:08 am

i think its an facking awesome idea, but before you start building, shouldn't you w8 for maxloader's approval ? i could be that you may not do this.. and then you started to build that thing for nothing :s
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Re: The Siege

Post by Maxloader » January 24th, 2011, 11:38 am

Ok guys, i got good news and bad news about this:

Bad: I don't want this here, if i give every1 spawn rights they can just spawn 1000 diamond and hide it in a chest for later.
Good: If we are gonna do this it should be on a (temporary) new map, then i got no problem with it.
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Re: The Siege

Post by scope_ion » January 24th, 2011, 1:06 pm

Or a back up.
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Re: The Siege

Post by Sooneey » January 24th, 2011, 2:31 pm

Maxloader I 100% agree with the spawn rights, as I said above its just not needed.

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Re: The Siege

Post by toxic345 » January 24th, 2011, 5:47 pm

Hmm nice idea scope :D I'm up for some zambie-asskicking notch

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Re: The Siege

Post by scope_ion » January 24th, 2011, 10:00 pm

How about you trade with an admin. I think for now sooneey and I could be promoted to admin rank, to build castle and we are running the thing? You can demote us back to our usual rank after it is over. And I would NOT spawn a thousand diamonds for my self. That would kill the game. New problem: other mobs will Spawn during the Siege, since it's night.
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Re: The Siege

Post by Sooneey » January 30th, 2011, 3:04 pm

No scope we don't need that admin rank even for a while. We can just mine cobble, its easy to get.

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Re: The Siege

Post by scope_ion » January 30th, 2011, 4:22 pm

I'm just throwing ideas out there. Can't wait till we start!
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Re: The Siege

Post by FallenTuesday » February 3rd, 2011, 5:31 am

we should build der reise from WaW and do zombie survival on that. guns on the wall would be chest with tht type of weapon and u have to just take 1 and replace with x amount of monster drops (to replace currency and NZ points).
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