Your real name: Maxim Wijnen
Your Age*: 18
Where are you from?: Belgium
What languages do you speak?: Dutch and English
What you want to do on this server*:I'm planning to build a big base with all sorts of different things like automatic farms, piston doors and other redstone stuff. I don't know yet how my base will look like, but it will probably be seperated from the rest.
WHY you want to play on the server*:I've been on many different servers but I never felt quite at home. Now i'm looking for the perfect server for me to build and survive on and this server looks just for me.
Where did you hear from this server?: I found it with google while I was searching for a server.
Have you griefed before? if so, explain. This may or may not affect getting in*: No, if there's one thing I hate in Minecraft, it's surely griefing.
Short description of yourself: I'm a normal guy who lives in the north-eastern part of Belgium, my hobbies are gaming and drawing. I think I'm going to study arts. Minecraft is my favorite game, I just love the freedom it gives you and all the creativity you can put in it. I had a public vanilla server once with a friend , but having a server requires a lot of work so we decided to give up on it. I do miss the feeling of those close bonds that I had with many of the players there.
I hope I'll get accepted!
