T-town 2.0

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T-town 2.0

Post by Tijl » March 11th, 2013, 10:35 pm

Hey everybody,
Toxic345 and myself are planning on building a huge new city, where everybody can live, where lots of events will take place, lots of cool stuff to do, and overall it will be beautiful to look at :p
But that takes, one, allot of time, and secondly, allot of resources. For that last part, we need your help. We can build allot quicker if we don't have to waste allot of time by collecting materials. So if you have cobble, wood, iron, whatever,... anything really, things you dont need anymore, please, leave it in the donation chests we put close at spawn. If you do, you can reply to this post if you want, telling us what you donated, and once T-town2.0 is build, we can give special privileges. Thx for the help :)
Tijl & Toxic345
* .... *A good game isn't about the graphic or how big it is. A good game is one that you play for hours yet is seems like minutes. * .... *

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Re: T-town 2.0

Post by sam-the-man » March 16th, 2013, 3:43 pm

I donated; an iron block, an unused iron pickaxe, 16 ender pearls, some stone brick, some cobble, and some other stuff :)
donwhittam left the game.

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Re: T-town 2.0

Post by Tijl » March 19th, 2013, 10:59 pm

Thx :) We will put it to good use :)
* .... *A good game isn't about the graphic or how big it is. A good game is one that you play for hours yet is seems like minutes. * .... *

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