This event is part of a series:
Part 1: The Legend of Yeenoos (
Part 2: Legend of Yeenoos: The Fort! (
Part 3: Legend of Yeenoos: The Frozen Prison (
Part 4: Legend of Yeenoos: The Sunken Ship (
Part 5: Yeenoos's Past: The Islands of Yeenoos's Followers (You are here)
Status: Getting there...
Origin: Many centurys ago. Yeenoos was still alive. Being immortal of course. His worshipers followed him around, everywhere he went. Finally, they found the Holy Islands Of Notch.These Floating Islands were not to be touched, for they were considered to be cursed. The Waters of Life, which flowed down from the Islands, were used a medicine for all illnesses. The people of depended on these Islands to live. As Yeenoos wandered to these Islands, he decided to take them for himself. He used his followers to destroy every living thing near and on the Islands. They were taken over, and very few have been able to climb the waterfall, not mentioning the dangers on the islands.
Only brave heroes should attempt to reclaim this land. After his follower had died, Yeenoos raised them to become zombies. Yeenoos had many, many followers. Bringing equipment is not necessary, for they have an Emergency Chest filled with armor and other essentials. Food may be found along the way. The followers were known for making delicious cake. Only 3 sets of leather armor are to be found, if you have your own, it might be wise to bring it. Do not bring any weapons or torches. They are supplied, but you will have to use them wisely. Stone swords are also in this chest. You may find better equipment on the way there, so don't worry. Any weapons or torches though, brought to this island are cursed. The torches will give off darkness, swords attack the user of it. The final island is a church, which has many crypts in it. These will let the dead followers attack.
1) You can not bring any torches or weapons. Only armor.
2) If a sign before an area says not to use torches, you cannot use torches. If it says not to use weapons (which probably WONT happen) don't use weapons.
3) Don't bring any blocks. You can break certain blocks (wool, maybe) if I say so. This might lead to a secret passage or something, so keep an eye out!
4) There will be warps, so no worries about dieing.
Hopefully, I can be granted the power of invincibility for a while while doing this, and making, because of zombie spawners killing me. Thanks

EDIT: I could need help on making redstone stuff, because I'm not exactly sure how to make an AND gate, as well as making it extend. If you can help, please post!