
Things that don't have to do with Maxloader's SMP
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Post by Midevele1 » August 31st, 2011, 8:35 am

okay i saw ace posted one, this has a few more things UPDATE: Notch said in this PAX 2011 video that they’re going to finish up what they have and release it “in a couple of weeks” as 1.8 and do the rest of the Adventure Update as 1.9. The Adventure Update as it’s been referred to will be split between two patches.

I’m going to try to organize all the info we know about what’s coming in the Minecraft 1.8 Adventure Update. I’ll be linking to sources which are mainly Jeb and Notch’s twitter accounts and a few other sources like reddit etc. Leaving off second and third sources when I already list one. I’m also leaving off smaller things like “Rain renders faster” and “New mossy cobblestone texture and minecart sounds”.

Terrain/World Changes

NPC Villages

NPC Villages that will contain several buildings.
NPC Villages will have town borders.
Villages will also have farms.
Players will be able to claim land.
NPC Villages will have wells and blacksmiths that use lava forges.
The buildings are made of Cobblestone and some Moss Stone, they have a Wooden door, they also have roofs made of Wooden Planks and Glass windows.
NPC Villages will have their own biome in order to solve many of the problems currently hindering their development.
Huge Mushrooms

Huge Mushrooms will be added and will get their own biome.
There will be more than one type of Huge Mushroom.
They will have their own biome and will not appear in places like forests unless planted.

Rivers will be in 1.8. Notch posted a photo of a river with a large mushroom on the banks.
Here’s a map of rivers intersecting land formations
Deeper oceans
New Fractal-based biomes.
Larger Biomes
Underground Ravines
Underground Ravines may also appear on the surface creating canyons
Stongholds (also known as ruins) will appear randomly through the world.
Stone Brick, Mossy Stone Brick, Cracked Stone Brick, and Iron Bars were revealed in the same image as being the materials that make up the strongholds.
Fence gates will be added as a part of 1.8.
Abandoned Mine Shafts are a new dungeon similar to Strongholds. They will have wood planks, rail, cobwebs and Blue Spiders.
Mob Changes


Endermen will be a new mob.
They’re named Endermen after their resemblance to “Slenderman”.
They steal blocks (unknown which types) and are passive until you look directly at them (cursor directly over them) and will remain frozen in place until you look away at which point they attack the player.
They can teleport about once per second and will only teleport to a place that is visible to the player.
They leave a trail of black smoke particles behind them.
They start to smoke when angry (PAX 2011 video)
Wearing a pumpkin helmet protects you from them becoming aggressive.
Other Mobs

Creepers have a new explosion animation (PAX 2011 video)
There will be a new mob called “Blue Spiders” that poison you when they bite. When bitten your health turns yellow and decreases for a few seconds. (PAX 2011 video)
Silverfish are rumored to be added in 1.8, but this is not concrete and has not been confirmed
Bug Fixes

Redstone will not break after /time set X.
User placed leaf blocks won’t decay
Clouds won’t travel through buildings (raised cloud level above max build level)

New Combat Mechanics
Critical Hits
Hold to charge bows
Blocking with RMB while holding a weapon
Player blocking attack animation and hostile mob attack animations, possibly more player animations
Arrows will stick in mobs when they are shot (zombie to the left)
When you kill a mob it will drop “experience orbs”. The object of these orbs is not yet known. (PAX 2011 video)
Jumping and hitting a mob on your way back down will cause sparkles and seems to hit for more damage (PAX 2011 video)
New Features

More Farming options
Plantable Pumpkins and Melons
New Brick Stairs and possibly Smooth Stairs (PAX screencap)
Animal Breeding
At least 9 new recipes
Rotten Flesh (not sure what it’s purpose is)
Cooked Chicken
Raw Chicken
Raw Beef
New graphic for cooked pork
Eating will take 1.6 seconds and has it’s own animation
There will be a food meter (full/empty) but it’s an optional dynamic to gameplay
If the food meter is full you will regen health on your own (similar to peaceful ssp)
New Torch light is warmer
No chunk updates required for sun/moon setting/rising
Field of View and Gama Sliders
New Launcher for 1.8
Modding Support
New Glass Panes
Sprinting by double tapping forward key

Multiplayer server list
Player List – Press tab in multiplayer and player list comes up.
The ability to allow moderators to enter creative mode in SMP.
Creative mode will have flyingand its from another source

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