
Did you somehow lose an item? Post how it happened and an admin will see if you can get an item back.
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Post by Chris_koot » June 26th, 2011, 12:26 pm

i was just going to the nether for some netherrack and the portal was on layer 10 or something so its was down to bedrock but when i came in too the nether i feel into lava so some 1 has place lava there but now i lost 2 iron pickaxe's 1 iron sword 1 iron shovel 1 iron axe 42 iron bars 46 coal 15 wooden planks and like 20 stone and also when i was in the lava i did fast /home and i teleported in a room of bedrock :?

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Re: Lava

Post by Sooneey » June 27th, 2011, 2:52 pm

Show me the portal and we can solve why there was lava underneath. However if its a natural death you won't be getting your stuff respawned.

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