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What do you think?

Poll ended at July 12th, 2011, 8:38 am

AWESOME!! I'm in.
Good Idea but I don't want to play.
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This sounds dumb.
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Post by Der_Jakal » June 12th, 2011, 8:38 am

Ok so here's the idea. Two teams enter the CTF arena and build forts with cannons on them. as soon as your cannon is built you can begin firing on the enemy so it's important to be fast. there are trees in the middle so you'll have to shoot over them or blow them up. your choice. The game ends when either both teams are out of supplies, one team is so blown up they give up because they can't possibly catch up, or one team dies completely.

PS: Ideally, if it's ok with the admins, the supplies for building the fort and cannon will be spawned and left in a chest on each side so the teams wont have to worry about mining. We'll insure that everyone leaves the arena by dying so they can't take stuff with them when they leave and everything spawned will be destroyed.

1: if you die, you're dead, no coming back.
2: no leaving the arena except by dying. (don't bring stuff to the arena, you WILL lose it.)
3: you can only build on your side, forest is no-man's-land.
4: hand to hand combat is only allowed in the forest (what's the point of a cannon if you're just gonna raid the other fort with swords?)

EDIT: the polls are anonymous so be sure you leave a comment if you want to play. Better yet, form a team of 4 or five and we'll run it like a tournament or something for pre-made teams.
Last edited by Der_Jakal on June 13th, 2011, 6:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by dtherrien » June 12th, 2011, 8:15 pm

I love this. Shot a mail to Zuggu about making forts across from each other last night but in CTF it'd be way better. Will require a crap ton of TNT and some redstone to be spawned...waiting for like 18 creepers just for a single shot not very feasible.

I'm all for it!

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Post by Der_Jakal » June 13th, 2011, 6:36 am

yeah. hopefully The admins will spawn us stuff for it because of the whole rule about only leaving the arena by dying, that way none of the spawned stuff gets out and will get destroyed after.
I'm thinking to make it of epic proportions a double chest full of cobble, a double chest of tnt and a single chest with redstone and repeaters in it. That way the focus is on building and shooting, and not mining/waiting for creepers.
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Post by Der_Jakal » June 13th, 2011, 9:41 pm

OK so here's how I've decided to run this. If you're interested in playing, form a team of no more than 4 people. Then make a post with your team's name, who's on the team, and times when you're all available to play. as soon as two teams are posted we'll work out a time for them to duke it out, and it will continue on in that manner as long as people are interested in playing
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Post by Ash » June 14th, 2011, 9:06 am

How about, to make it intresting, to have a small ammo crate in the forest? XD
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Post by Maxloader » June 14th, 2011, 9:59 am

He said the forest was off limits.
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Post by Der_Jakal » June 14th, 2011, 5:45 pm

Well that can be changed, what if the forest is just off limits for building and you can go fight in the forest to be the first to find the ammo crate. That would be fine as long as both sides started with an ammo crate of their own, I don't think it would be very fun if we had one team shooting and the other team couldn't really do anything about it. I want it to be like two forts blowing each other up.
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