I hate This

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I hate This

Post by Chris_koot » May 31st, 2011, 9:25 pm

i just found a mobspawner and i placed torches like this
2011-05-31_21.19.01.png (169.69 KiB) Viewed 6718 times
and then a skeleton came out of no where and att me and i died but...
when i came back all my stuff was gone and i only w8 like 6-7 min
but i lost diamond pick 40 coal 2 buckets like 8 moss stone and 64 and 44 cobblestone

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Re: I hate This

Post by Maxloader » May 31st, 2011, 11:00 pm

I am not sure if placing torches around a mob spawner helps, i think you are best off to remove it entirely.
Anyone to back me up on this?
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Re: I hate This

Post by scope_ion » May 31st, 2011, 11:06 pm

I know that you only need 2 torches to stop a spawner. Was the dungeon connected to any cave?
You just lost the game.

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Re: I hate This

Post by Gazoid » May 31st, 2011, 11:42 pm

You probably got the skele from elsewhere, that would have disabled it

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Re: I hate This

Post by Der_Jakal » June 1st, 2011, 1:40 am

I know lighting a spawning neutralizes it, but unless I plan on making a mob trap out of it I usually just light it long enough to destroy it. and reclaim my torches. also I've had mobs spawn behind me with a lit spawner before. To be safe I light around the spawner and the walls of the room as well as any caves nearby.
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Re: I hate This

Post by dtherrien » June 1st, 2011, 1:52 am

Yeah, I've had issues with them before but for the most part a couple torches will successfully keep things from spawning. Like Jakal said, try the walls next time.

I usually go around the outside and poke holes in the walls placing torches inside, then shoot whatever is alive in the dungeon with a bow before ever entering it to be safe.

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Re: I hate This

Post by Der_Jakal » June 1st, 2011, 3:32 am

dtherrien wrote:I usually go around the outside and poke holes in the walls placing torches inside, then shoot whatever is alive in the dungeon with a bow before ever entering it to be safe.
dude great idea, I'll def try that next time I find one.
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Re: I hate This

Post by sheamas » June 1st, 2011, 11:44 am

If I am not mistaken, a spawner can spawn a mob anywhere within 4 blocks of it if that block is at light level 7 or below. So completely surrounding the spawner with torches won't necessarily stop mobs spawning from it if one of the blocks is at low light levels (if the torch light was blocked or something). So its always best to have the room fully lit and sealed off.
Also I got this from the wiki
"When mining near a monster spawner that has no valid places to spawn, sometimes a monster will spawn immediately after a block is mined. The player should take caution for this reason while collecting Moss Stone from a dungeon but hasn't destroyed the monster spawner. It's speculated this might happen because the spawner gets a chance to spawn before the lighting calculation for the space the block occupied"

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