- sam-the-man
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- Joined: December 30th, 2010, 1:56 pm
- IGN: donwhittam
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hey its donwhittam from the server. I know this is irrellavent to the server, but i tried to install"invedit" onto single player, and my entire world deleted automattically. It had loads of stuuf on it, so i was just wondering if there is a way to retrieve it. Thanks -donwhittam
donwhittam left the game.
- Maxloader
- Server Owner
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- Joined: September 22nd, 2010, 12:03 am
- IGN: Maxloader
- Location: Zoetermeer, the Netherlands
Re: HELP!!!!
errrr im affraid not man, a map constist of ALOT of files.
You could try an undelete program like 'undelete+' but i don't think it will get all your files back if any at all.
You could try an undelete program like 'undelete+' but i don't think it will get all your files back if any at all.
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