Part 1: The Legend of Yeenoos (
Part 2: Legend of Yeenoos: The Fort! (
Part 3: Legend of Yeenoos: The Frozen Prison (You are here)
Part 4: Legend of Yeenoos: The Sunken Ship (
Part 5: Yeenoos's Past: The Islands of Yeenoos's Followers (
The frozen prison has started to rise from the water, global warming or Yeenoos' power starting to have affect on the sever. You may argue.
However evidence is shown that the prison that guarded many evil souls from entering the land and causing chaos that has been imprisoned here for many years is empty...
Heroes must once again venture into the darkness in order to find clues in to what happened here. Are the evil tormented souls free and ready to cause hell on earth? Or are the prisoners still in their cells?
Either way we need to venture into this forgotten prison and find the one prisoner that Sooneey is so worried about. This will be the most dangerous quest of them all with the most aggressive guards defending cells, MobTech (A wizard who spawns monsters to guard the cells) has been put in place during night time. However reports have shown MobTech has been working during the day, aslong as they have someone dark to hide.

The entrance can not been see however a watchtower can be climbed and used as access to the prison once again. The entire prison is old an most likely dangerous.
An image here was taken from a guard a while back, who knows what has happened since however this is all we have of the most guarded prison cell in the entire minecraft-world.

Hopefully you heroes here can help this quest once we get enough players a map will be shown to this secret prison...
So please sign up on here to form a team of heroes ready to fight through the darkness that is in this prison.