Building The First National Bank of Minecraft

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Do you want a national bank

Maybe, matters if i get a lot of interest
Maybe, matters if its superbly guarded and protected
No, I already have a vault,why do i need a vault
No, I hate change and that's why i sleep in a hole under a rock
Total votes: 13

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Building The First National Bank of Minecraft

Post by DrElwood » February 11th, 2011, 5:38 am

I am planning on building the First National Bank of Minecraft and I want you opinion on whether or not I should.

How the Bank will work
First-you will come to a guarded fort on an island in the ocean.
Second-you will talk to me or one of the many bankers i will have.
Third-you will discuss your interest rate(if it sees i little low that's because until we get loaning we wont be making a lot of money and you will
be payed in iron, gold, or diamond)
Fourth-if you come to an agreement we will take the money you want put away in our bank.
Fifth-we will document the transaction
Sixth-after you leave the valuables will be transferred to a hidden well guarded place where only me and 1 or 2 trusted friends will know where it is.
Seventh-We will loan out your money

*If there is (which has a 1 in a 1,000,000 chance of happening) a robbery, we will pay you back the amount that you gave to us. And a little extra depending on how long you have been a customer of ours.

If you have any suggestions (or wanna be my co-founder or a banker post a application) post them. Thanks for your time.
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Re: Building The First National Bank of Minecraft

Post by Maxloader » February 11th, 2011, 9:03 am

NO, i had this on a previous map and it only attracted griefers.
Then we settled for personal vaults and it has been since.
so yeah i voted for 'no, i sleep under a rock'
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Re: Building The First National Bank of Minecraft

Post by Gazoid » February 11th, 2011, 11:40 am

I'm with Max, the guy who started it all last time was a TOTAL douche too

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Re: Building The First National Bank of Minecraft

Post by mlockh19 » February 12th, 2011, 5:03 am

I dunno, Maybe. I trust DrElwood to run this well, and as long as he protects the "vault" well, and honors his promise if he fails to do so, I dont see why he couldn't at least try. But do realize that if the bank is robbed, you should not expect Max to jump in and roll back the Bank, you very well might have to do it yourself.

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Re: Building The First National Bank of Minecraft

Post by DrElwood » February 12th, 2011, 6:09 am

Everyone i understand what you are talking about okay. I see why you might think it is a bad ideal at first but i am gonna put the vault in a very well guarded place and i want to ask you maxloader if you could surround it in bedrock and make it like a vault only this way people will make money. The bank and vault will be no where near each other.
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Re: Building The First National Bank of Minecraft

Post by Maxloader » February 12th, 2011, 12:50 pm

There is another downside doc, people would only be able to get their stuff when you are online.
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Re: Building The First National Bank of Minecraft

Post by Glitch0011 » February 12th, 2011, 9:04 pm

Okay, to pull this off we need simply one thing. A Read only part of the map where only admins can build. I've seen in on other servers and works well.

The Principle would be that there is an island, where the bank would be.

Each person that wants to setup an account would get a room, which has an iron door, the iron door is hooked up to a keycode circuit. Only the person that knows the code could set the gates that open the door.

The fact that the island would be a read-only would mean that people couldn't dig around the doors. I'd say I'd help with the redstone but probs are that you guys can pull it off.

The keycode would be a cool system to have. Plus, the bank tellers could have a backup corridor that they can only access via their keycode by which we could mail them to request transfers between bank vaults. That would allow us to setup a strange form of cheques. Whats more, the fact that we all have our own vaults and keycodes would allow us to access our vaults even when admins are offline. It would stop griefers while providing an excellent RP experiance.

Something like this

0 = Key code Door
- = Wall
s = Storage;

----------- ---------------- -------------
-- -- ------
-- s -- s ------

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Re: Building The First National Bank of Minecraft

Post by EddyT » February 12th, 2011, 9:17 pm

I like the more puristic approach the the vault issue. The thing is, like people have said, there is too many new players at the moment that we cannot trust.

It's a shame because its not true minecraft playing when using vaults with warps. But the system works and if it ain't broke, don't fix it!

If you truely want to try the project then i suggest you create a test island bank and show us all so we can see how we feel.

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Re: Building The First National Bank of Minecraft

Post by Maxloader » February 13th, 2011, 1:19 am

Yeah, show us a prototype.
Create all walls with cobblestone, then i can use the map editor to turn all cobblestone there into adminium.
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Re: Building The First National Bank of Minecraft

Post by DrElwood » February 13th, 2011, 4:51 am

Thank Glitch0011 for the idea, we will have a test island made.
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