-- The Legend of Yeenoos --

He wil eat your soul...
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-- The Legend of Yeenoos --

Post by Sooneey » February 12th, 2011, 2:50 am

-- The Legend of Yeenoos --

This event is part of a serie:
Part 1: The Legend of Yeenoos (You are here)
Part 2: Legend of Yeenoos: The Fort! (http://www.maxloader.nl/forum/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=262)
Part 3: Legend of Yeenoos: The Frozen Prison (http://www.maxloader.nl/forum/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=283)
Part 4: Legend of Yeenoos: The Sunken Ship (http://www.maxloader.nl/forum/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=299)
Part 5: Yeenoos's Past: The Islands of Yeenoos's Followers (http://www.maxloader.nl/forum/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=318)

EVENT STARTS AT 9:30pm MONDAY (Timezeone GMT+1, sever time)

Sooneey was never alone, he always had his twin Yeenoos around, the devil child. They both had great ideas for Minecraft, however Yeenoos ideology always consisted of the pain of others to benefit himself. Sooneey never agreed in this matter and always managed to keep Yeenoos from power, even though he was more powerful than Sooneey.

The great Maxloader accepted them in his land and Sooneey and Yeenoos worked together in peace, however Yeenoos was plotting something but Sooneey did not see it. Eventually Maxloader and the other Gods decided to grant them god like powers to help him. However Yeenoos only had one thought on his mind, to GRIEF and spawn lava monsters. Yes he created the Man-Bear-Pig. He told Sooneey to join him on his "Griefing and looting other peoples houses". Sooneey said No! and tried to talk Yeenoos out of it. Sooneey couldn't hold him back so he banished him into a deep Prison and then forced him into an early grave made of pure obsidian. The land resumed its every day activity and most of the evidence from Yeenoos existence was destroyed, except Man-Bear-Pig he is still on the loose... Donno where... but he will Pop up.

The bridge to the Prison

A few years later Sooneey and EddyT were skipping across chopping trees when a thunderous noise came from down below. They both looked down and thought nothing of it. However they carried on walking and hearing the noise louder... and louder! Till they stumbled across the old grounds of where Yeenoos was buried and imprisoned. Sooneey could not step any thurther in fear. However EddyT was too curious and went to find the source of the noise.

Quickly before EddyT could get any closer to the entrance Yeenoos jumped from the ground and left EddyT in this state.


Sooneey threw a cursed diamond sword which forced Yeenoos back into the Prison in which he came. He was severely hurt but it would only take time for him to heal and have enough power to start that mysterious thunderous noise again.

So you, famous adventurer must pack up some gear and take charge in finding what is going on! Find Yeenoos and kill him whilst he is weak! Once Yeenoos is killed you will be GREATLY rewarded!

For this great adventure I recommend taking enough torches, food and maybe a sword or two. The warp for the event will be given once we have a good amount of people who are intrested in doing this and we figure a time.

Rules for this event!

Do not bring any outside equipment that you are not willing to loose. Bring food, weapons, armour and torches. No need for a pickaxe at any time.

Do not attempt to break the walls and make your own short cut, ruins the fun.

Do not start fires or use buckets at any time.

Read the signs around for clues for your next task.

Also PLEASE do not enter before the event officially starts, certain things can not be reset and it is for a one time event.

Also yes that is EddyT, he is now dead. Don't talk to him if he is online. It will only anger him into a zombie and could attack you. He is evil.
Last edited by Sooneey on February 14th, 2011, 12:36 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: -- The Legend of Yeenoos --

Post by Pestilencemage » February 12th, 2011, 4:13 am

FEAR NOT fellow minefolk, for I, Pestilence shalt deliver apon this evil the rightous justice it so rightously and justiceifilitalidilitly deserves!

I shalt bestow apon thine lesser mortals, a chance to provith thinselves before the great and powerful god MODERATOS before I smashith this challenge beneath my mighty gauntlet for their may be nothing left in my wake.
I dont want to have buttsex with seven men in my basement, but I would like the freedom to have buttsex with seven men in my basement

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Re: -- The Legend of Yeenoos --

Post by FallenTuesday » February 12th, 2011, 5:04 am

yeah what he said... ill do it
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Re: -- The Legend of Yeenoos --

Post by Maxloader » February 12th, 2011, 12:58 pm

Maxloader joins you on this epic quest trough the dungeons of hell and will not rest until this mystery is solved!
However he is affraid that in these scorched lands his godly powers will not work! He would have to enter as a mere mortal and use abilities that have long be supressed.
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Re: -- The Legend of Yeenoos --

Post by Sooneey » February 12th, 2011, 4:21 pm

His prison has finally been opened. Mortal must now venture to find Yeenoos at his weakest time.

You must come up with a team of great HEROS. To save the land from total "noob griefing"!

Also in other news this event will most likely not take that long as I've tried a run through but decided to keep alot of the ideas I had for the next event. So instead of being about 30 minutes long it will be around 20 minutes long.

Also, I have added "Save Points" where a sign we be placed with "Warp: ..." telling you the warp back to that spot incase you die. (This will not give you back you're items)

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Re: -- The Legend of Yeenoos --

Post by EddyT » February 12th, 2011, 6:10 pm

I have grave news my humble adventurers.

I speak to you from another realm as my body has been left behind as an empty vessel in MINECRAFTIA. Alas, as I feared my previous body has been entered by an evil minion of Yeenoos himseilf and has vowed to the Evil Lord that he will not rest until the heroes have failed thier great quest.

I wish you the best of luck my friends.
Maybe one day you will free my soul from this realm and I may adventure at your sides once more!


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Re: -- The Legend of Yeenoos --

Post by scope_ion » February 12th, 2011, 6:53 pm

I shall enter with my loyal team to destroy this evil spirit!
You just lost the game.

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Re: -- The Legend of Yeenoos --

Post by Yeenoos » February 13th, 2011, 2:07 pm

All that follow Sooneey will fall. You will not survive. I will kill you all.

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Re: -- The Legend of Yeenoos --

Post by scope_ion » February 13th, 2011, 4:05 pm

Lulz. *stabs Yeenoos*
You just lost the game.

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Re: -- The Legend of Yeenoos --

Post by Sooneey » February 13th, 2011, 10:35 pm

Scope_Ion tried to attack Yeenoos and threw him in the lava but failed to kill him. Yeenoos is at his weakest and we must act soon.

I say you great heros start your adventure tomorrow at 6:30pm Sever time. Is that acceptable?

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Re: -- The Legend of Yeenoos --

Post by scope_ion » February 13th, 2011, 11:06 pm

Sorry, no can do. I'll be able to do 9:00 though. Is that fine?
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Re: -- The Legend of Yeenoos --

Post by Sooneey » February 13th, 2011, 11:24 pm

This is 9:00 server time?

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Re: -- The Legend of Yeenoos --

Post by scope_ion » February 13th, 2011, 11:29 pm

I'm confused.
You just lost the game.

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Re: -- The Legend of Yeenoos --

Post by Sooneey » February 13th, 2011, 11:31 pm

You would prefer 9:00pm Sever time which is GMT +1 hour.

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Re: -- The Legend of Yeenoos --

Post by scope_ion » February 13th, 2011, 11:36 pm

I would prefer 9:00 server time (on this forum). I am in EST, or -5. I can get on at 4:00 pm, or 9:00 server time.
You just lost the game.

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Re: -- The Legend of Yeenoos --

Post by Sooneey » February 14th, 2011, 12:35 am

Ok I believe 9:30pm Sever time to be the best.

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Re: -- The Legend of Yeenoos --

Post by scope_ion » February 14th, 2011, 2:39 am

I call the killing blow. Need me revenge.
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Re: -- The Legend of Yeenoos --

Post by matthieu1345 » February 14th, 2011, 3:29 pm

i think i can be there also and it looks very lol :P
i be there (if im not to late to sign in)

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Re: -- The Legend of Yeenoos --

Post by matthieu1345 » February 15th, 2011, 5:12 pm

noo i forgate that i had tabletennis then :(

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Re: -- The Legend of Yeenoos --

Post by Midevele1 » May 26th, 2011, 11:29 pm

Yeenoos wrote:All that follow Sooneey will fall. You will not survive. I will kill you all.
hey im on his side ^ its not every day you hang out with a guy who threatens to kill people... unless you live near wlollpop... anyway... yea ill join the darkness.