-- Welcome to Sooneey-Town --

Your mayor is Sooneey.
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-- Welcome to Sooneey-Town --

Post by Sooneey » December 11th, 2010, 4:45 am

Hey everyone and welcome to the offical thread. First of all I would like to say that the rule boards in the town will slowly come down due to me having to keep repairing them due to creepers and writeing out rules on those little signs, is boring. So EVERYTHING will be here, hopefully.

Ok now i got that sorted, I would like explain the Town. The town was built by myself and the spaceship above it. Scope is the second in charge and helps me with administration with new houses and other projects.
So if you are new please by all means come to the town talk to me (sooneey) or Scope_ion and we will find you a house. I let everyone have a house, it makes me happy to see a community building.

--- Town Rules ---

1. When enetering the town ALWAYS lock the gates and draw the bridges when entering, they MUST be shut at all times.

2. Keep creepers away from the town. If you see them outside don't go.

3. The town is strictly against PVP*, unless in an arena with designated signs.

4. Do not grief or tamper with any gate or wall, if you have an idea for a new gate system then tell me.

5. Do not travel at night unless using Jcdobber's amazing tunnel system (credits go to Zuggu and Knuckle too). Traveling on land at night will lead to death.

6. Fireplaces can be placed but any damage will result in payment up to 128 gold.

7. No trees inside (monsters spawn underneath them)

8. No dark areas inside (same as above)

9. Torches must be placed on the roof of all buildings so no dark areas (same as above)

10. No building without authorisation.

11. If you see a monster inside the town act accordingly -
- Zombie : Kill it with a sword or arrows, little threat to the town.
- Skeleton : Kill it with arrows, little threat to the town but can cause damage.
- Spider : Kill it with sword or arrows, little threat but can jump around.
- Creepers: Kill it with ARROWS only! Keep far away causes mass damage.
Last edited by Sooneey on January 30th, 2011, 4:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: -- Welcome to Sooneey-Town --

Post by Sooneey » December 11th, 2010, 4:40 pm

--- Building Rules ---

1. Once you have been given a house you may want to have addons. Such as a basement, second floor etc. You need to talk to myself or Scope_ion before as you have to pay for such addons.

2. If you are unsure about anything ASK before doing it, or if I am not happy I will remove it with NO warning.

3. Building currency is gold and diamonds only.

4. Discreet addons can be asked through /msg sooneey when I am online or a PM here. Discreet addons can be such as a secret mine or just a basement you want hidden as a vault and don't want people knowing about.

5. We will be expanding Stown all the time and as of that you can upgrade your house to a large lot or downgrade if you want. Up to you and more info will be released afer first major expansion.

6.Other admins have no authority other the town, you can not ask them if you want to build in Stown they will only say "Ask sooneey", so don't bother them.

Thats all for now for rules but I have the right to change and add any new rules I wish without any warning.

By having a house in Stown you accept these rules and follow by them. These rules can change at any given time with no notification. Please keep yourself updated at all times. If you do not follow by these rules you may have to pay a fee of up to 128 gold bars and/or even kicked our of the town.

Mayor - [Admin]Sooneey
Deputy Mayor - [Mod]Scope_ion
Last edited by Sooneey on February 7th, 2011, 8:45 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: -- Welcome to Sooneey-Town --

Post by Sooneey » December 11th, 2010, 4:41 pm

Buying House, these are the guidelines to follow!

Myself and Scope_ion are usually about to help you get into your new dream home in Stown. However due to high demand in houses recently it has been hard to keep ontop so therefore I will be writing all the information here in regards to houses and plots.

Scope_ion is Deputy-Mayor and Head of Administration at Stown, meaning he's speciality is houses and usually much better than me.

He can tell you all the prices you and has the right to inspect ANY house at any given time.

Your house will start as a standard house 6 x 10 blocks and remain one floor.
If you would like a second floor, 3rd floor or even a basement you have to pay. Here are the prices:

Basement 3g
2nd floor 4g
3rd floor 5g
4th floor *NEW* 10g
5th floor *New* 15g

These prices have the right to change at any given time, what Scope_ion says, is.

Anything you would like to build in discreet such as a secret basement or even a secret passage way to your friends house must be discussed with myself or Scope_ion. There are no set prices as each case will be dealt differently however not telling us about these home improvements is illegal and you may be fined up to 128 gold bars and/or maybe removed from the town.

Remember /msg scope_ion or /msg sooneey and we can privately discuss these matters.
Last edited by Sooneey on February 7th, 2011, 8:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: -- Welcome to Sooneey-Town --

Post by Sooneey » December 11th, 2010, 4:41 pm

Sooneey Town Bank!

The bank is here to help people with the currency in game. The currency of Stown is gold bars and can sometimes be diamonds in high purchases.
We currently trade all these currencys in order to help you. However as prices in game change ALOT we have the right to change these prices according to what is available ingame.

- [ADMIN] Sooneey

Here is the currency chart:

1x [Diamond] = 10x [GoldBar]

10x [GoldBar] = 1x [Diamond]

10x [Iron] = 1x [GoldBar]

64x [Coal] = 2x [Iron]
We do not accept anything else at this moment in time.

The currency was taken straight from Maxloader's rule thread but may change at any given time on here.

If you would like to become a Banker talk to me, requirements is having a decent amount of Diamonds/Gold Bars/Iron or/and Coal.
Last edited by Sooneey on February 7th, 2011, 9:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: -- Welcome to Sooneey-Town --

Post by theblacknight123 » February 7th, 2011, 6:03 am

Hey sooneey, just wondering, I live with wlollpop, noscoper44 and lumpycustard7 near the spawn. First, I was wondering if I could be able to join stown while keeping my house by the spawn. Also, we have 4 people and a path to the rail system. I was wondering if we ( the 4 ) make a large enough area, could we create our own town? If we could I would elect wlollpop as mayor. Just wondering. This would happen far in the future though. Just a goal to look for, theblacknight123 thanks!
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Re: -- Welcome to Sooneey-Town --

Post by mlockh19 » February 7th, 2011, 6:48 am

Black, see this thread under the "Towns" section. http://www.maxloader.nl/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=4

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