SooneeyTown Theme Park

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SooneeyTown Theme Park

Post by scope_ion » January 4th, 2011, 4:02 am

I'm planning on making a theme park. This will consist of a glass/ice maze, the Deceptavator, a water ride, The CreeperCoaster, and the Wooden Death plunge. This will require a lot of iron, so please donate some to the town. Wood is also needed for this. Oh, and the Water Way underwater roller coaster. Thanks!

I'm going to need more ideas for this, so please post yours!

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Re: SooneeyTown Theme Park

Post by Maxloader » January 4th, 2011, 8:35 am

glass/ice i suggest using glass :P


- You can only get ice if you use spawn commands.
- When ice breaks it will be water instead and will mess the whole maze up. (and ice melts too)
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Re: SooneeyTown Theme Park

Post by Sooneey » January 7th, 2011, 9:03 pm

Sounds good! I am willing to donate some rails once I talk to Jcdobber as half of my rails are his. Also where about are you building this? I have some Open areas that need filling!

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Re: SooneeyTown Theme Park

Post by scope_ion » January 8th, 2011, 3:28 pm

Sooneey, can I use the area near the lighthouse?

EDIT Im using it anyway, hope you dont mind.
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Re: SooneeyTown Theme Park

Post by scope_ion » January 9th, 2011, 6:55 pm

Ok. Here's how we are doing so far:

Death Plunge- Pretty much done
Creeper Coaster- Finished, needs improvement though
Deceptavator- Pending
Glass Maze- Pending
Water Way- Complete
Pig Soccer- Complete
Giant sign- Constructing
Food Stand- Completed

Also, we have skeletons, zombies, and spiders getting in. I need help with that.
Last edited by scope_ion on January 16th, 2011, 6:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SooneeyTown Theme Park

Post by Sooneey » January 11th, 2011, 12:06 am

I can't do anything about the skeletons, zombies, creepers and spiders they seem to spawn no matter what now.

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Re: SooneeyTown Theme Park

Post by Pestilencemage » February 7th, 2011, 12:00 am

Carnie games? Add a shooting range and whatnot
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Re: SooneeyTown Theme Park

Post by KauEvol » February 7th, 2011, 6:38 am

luv the idea, ill donate what i cant, just give a list of what you need and estimated amounts :geek:

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Re: SooneeyTown Theme Park

Post by Pestilencemage » March 8th, 2011, 10:22 am

Sooneey put the park on hold to deal with the Yeenoos situation?

Ideas: I can make an automated water ride (boat coaster)... short, mildly amuseing ride best suited as a space filler... much like the water rides in real amusement parks. Essentualy a oddified automated duel directional boatevator. I'll do some testing to see how far I can press the limits though.

BETTER ideas: I'm quite certain I can make a shooting gallery that actualy keeps score. Your targets would be friendly mobs in carts. The device would be moderately large due to a reliance on old fasioned cart boosters kicking mob occupied carts (distinguished via stone plates) up and over (add much redstone to take score of unoccupied carts) and drop them verticly onto gravity boosts (so they are not so damned fast). Aquireing a mob target in the cart 100% success is no small feat either. Scoreing system has MANY options also. I'll think about what system would be best and how to accomplish it. Probably a killed/notkilled system (kill 3 before you let 3 slip by unkilled to win). Its easy enough to distinguish where and/or if one was killed... just harder to automate counting.
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Re: SooneeyTown Theme Park

Post by Glitch0011 » March 9th, 2011, 3:44 pm

I see a computer in the making ;)

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Re: SooneeyTown Theme Park

Post by Sooneey » March 10th, 2011, 11:00 am

Well I don't know what I am doing with the theme park sadly. Since minecarts got modded they only go at a certain speed and the ride used to go ALOT faster. Due to lack of speed the ride is not as much fun so it will remain an abandoned theme park till notch implements a real solution not these mods. These mods are great and I wouldnt want them taken away for this theme park.

Pestilence you are more than welcome to do it but do you have enough room? You'll need to show me. Scope has been building little things everywhere haha.

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