whitelist for maxbrooks0852
Posted: March 4th, 2012, 3:04 am
Minecraft name:maxbrooks0852
Real name: Max
My age: 14
I am from: USA
What languages i speak: English, minimal amounts of Hebrew
What i want to do on this server: I want to build things and thrive on a new server
WHY i want to play on this server: i am looking for servers that are not huge, and i saw a recommendation for this server on a forums post
where i hear from this server: on a planet minecraft forums post
Have i ever griefed? yes, once. i blew up someones house because they took mine apart block by block. I was really angry because i had been searching for servers for two hours. other than that, i never grief
I am a 14 year old Jewish boy from Texas, and i like to socialize on multiplayer servers. I like to build stuff for other people on minecraft
Real name: Max
My age: 14
I am from: USA
What languages i speak: English, minimal amounts of Hebrew
What i want to do on this server: I want to build things and thrive on a new server
WHY i want to play on this server: i am looking for servers that are not huge, and i saw a recommendation for this server on a forums post
where i hear from this server: on a planet minecraft forums post
Have i ever griefed? yes, once. i blew up someones house because they took mine apart block by block. I was really angry because i had been searching for servers for two hours. other than that, i never grief
I am a 14 year old Jewish boy from Texas, and i like to socialize on multiplayer servers. I like to build stuff for other people on minecraft