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Griefing Investigation

Posted: September 28th, 2010, 7:39 pm
by Maxloader
Last night there has been some griefing to the server, this is not tolerated and we are currently investigating who it was.

If you have any leads then please PM me.

Re: Griefing Investigation

Posted: September 28th, 2010, 7:44 pm
by Skovgaard
Ok, sounds nice..
All I have been wondering, when do you think the server will be on again?

Re: Griefing Investigation

Posted: September 28th, 2010, 7:48 pm
by rayshon
How bad is it?

We have map backups right?


Re: Griefing Investigation

Posted: September 28th, 2010, 7:50 pm
by scope_ion
Haven't seen it.I'll help fix if you want.

Are you reseting right now?

Re: Griefing Investigation

Posted: September 28th, 2010, 7:52 pm
by Maxloader
Ok the prime suspects are:


Re: Griefing Investigation

Posted: September 28th, 2010, 7:54 pm
by Skovgaard
How did you get to those suspects?
Were they online at that time? :S

Re: Griefing Investigation

Posted: September 28th, 2010, 7:54 pm
by ownu1hit99
rayshon wrote:How bad is it?

We have map backups right?

spawn and castle city are close to total loss

pain in the ass really how hard it it just to wait 2 days untill new map

Re: Griefing Investigation

Posted: September 28th, 2010, 7:57 pm
by rayshon
maxloader wrote:Ok the prime suspects are:

I doubt it's the first 3, because I have no clue who that last person was

Re: Griefing Investigation

Posted: September 28th, 2010, 8:00 pm
by Maxloader
Yes the incident happened between 0:00 and 0:30
those persons where online between those times, we are now conducting an inventory check from that time.

Re: Griefing Investigation

Posted: September 28th, 2010, 8:01 pm
by scope_ion
Blue and Jc Wouldn't do that if you asked me.

Re: Griefing Investigation

Posted: September 28th, 2010, 8:07 pm
by rayshon
This is why I vote also for the new map, that only mods can use TNT/Flint/Lava. Especially flint because that's so easy to make and such a powerful griefing tool.

Re: Griefing Investigation

Posted: September 28th, 2010, 8:08 pm
by Maxloader
Ok i found out who it is:
Koekeloerus, i posted a pic of his inventory:

This is impossible to obtain in 30 minutes of play.

Re: Griefing Investigation

Posted: September 28th, 2010, 8:14 pm
by rayshon
maxloader wrote:Ok i found out who it is:
Koekeloerus, i posted a pic of his inventory:

This is impossible to obtain in 30 minutes of play.
Wow, I guess he hacked the TNT in...

Nice find :)

Re: Griefing Investigation

Posted: September 28th, 2010, 8:18 pm
by Siduron
Well at least this only happens maybe once a week instead of every day thanks to the white list.

Re: Griefing Investigation

Posted: September 28th, 2010, 8:21 pm
by ownu1hit99
Siduron wrote:Well at least this only happens maybe once a week instead of every day thanks to the white list.
damn... how did he get the tnt tho?

Re: Griefing Investigation

Posted: September 28th, 2010, 8:25 pm
by Skovgaard
Ow, that's kinda interresting..

Re: Griefing Investigation

Posted: September 28th, 2010, 8:25 pm
by scope_ion
That's impossible to get period. How do you get all that tnt, wool and stuff? And he's new right?

Re: Griefing Investigation

Posted: September 28th, 2010, 8:26 pm
by Chain
All bow to the great Maxloader!
Who found out who made our server bad!

Re: Griefing Investigation

Posted: September 28th, 2010, 8:29 pm
by rayshon
Siduron wrote:Well at least this only happens maybe once a week instead of every day thanks to the white list.
We'll have small explosions daily once creepers and monsters are fixed :)

Re: Griefing Investigation

Posted: September 28th, 2010, 8:31 pm
by Siduron
scope_ion wrote: How do you get all that tnt, wool and stuff?
Third party tools most likely.