There are afew methods that you can try to add memory to your java app and fix blackscreen errors.
1: Insure you have the proper version of Java installed. Use 64 bit if your OS is 64 bit (java versions HERE
2: Make sure you are ONLY useing the proper version as it usualy defaults to the 32 bit if it is installed
a) Open the control panel
b) In uper right, at "search control panel" enter in "Java" and select it from the top
c) Select the Java Tab and then hit "View"... There should only be the one java version on the list if you have ONLY the proper java installed.
** One way to try to add memory would be to add a runtime parameter "-Xmx 2048M" ** (I have -Xmx 3072M)
Another way to try to add memory if you use MCPatcher is to run it, click the options tab and change the Java Heap Size. Try 2048
If these dont show on F3 as mine didnt, You can run the .bat file here to start minecraft. It is designed to run extreme HD texturepacks such as the 512x one I tried for $#!+s and giggles. Download it from Here:
Place that file in your minecraft folder and run it to start minecraft. This method worked to jack my available memory up.
Keep in mind that I'm running WIN7 64bit and I have 6GB of ram kickin' under the hood here. I also run Twin GeForce 9600 GT GPUs in SLI mode. You need the ram available to add it to minecraft/java. Also, that 512X pack still looks and runs like a sack full of buttholes.
Adding memory to Minecraft/java
- Pestilencemage
- Server Admin
- Posts: 357
- Joined: January 29th, 2011, 8:01 am
- IGN: pestilencemage
Adding memory to Minecraft/java
I dont want to have buttsex with seven men in my basement, but I would like the freedom to have buttsex with seven men in my basement
Re: Adding memory to Minecraft/java
would you recommend 2048 for someone with 4.00 GB of RAM?
The soap, pick it up.
- Pestilencemage
- Server Admin
- Posts: 357
- Joined: January 29th, 2011, 8:01 am
- IGN: pestilencemage
Re: Adding memory to Minecraft/java
2048 MB is 2gb. Should do the trick. This will mostly help fix out-of-memory errors, and give some breathing room if minecraft IS getting close to it's memory cap. Should help with some heavy lag spots though memory is generaly not the bottleneck that is giveing us problems.
I dont want to have buttsex with seven men in my basement, but I would like the freedom to have buttsex with seven men in my basement
Re: Adding memory to Minecraft/java
well I'm not getting any out of memory errors or anything. I just wanted to give myself some extra heap to see if it would help my fps anyPestilencemage wrote:2048 MB is 2gb. Should do the trick. This will mostly help fix out-of-memory errors, and give some breathing room if minecraft IS getting close to it's memory cap. Should help with some heavy lag spots though memory is generaly not the bottleneck that is giveing us problems.

The soap, pick it up.