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Notch VS. The Yogscast.
Posted: November 22nd, 2011, 4:55 am
by Ace2910
Yogscast videos are in a big flame war right now, thoughts?
Re: Notch VS. The Yogscast.
Posted: November 22nd, 2011, 12:08 pm
by Gazoid
Hmm, not sure what to think really. Whilst I enjoy YC and find them amusing, perhaps Lewis (more than Simon) got a little too big for his boots.
However, I've always been a bit frustrated at Notch. He has a great game, and has made some very poor game decisions, and ignored a lot of well thought out criticism from others.
From what I have been hearing too, MineCon was highly disorganised, mainly due to its planning by MinecraftChick (who has not done events before).
TL;DR: This is fallout from bad communications between Mojang (Swedish) and Yogscast (English) and is probably from tiredness, frustration and misunderstanding from both sides.
It's very unprofessional and makes both sides look like douches.
Re: Notch VS. The Yogscast.
Posted: November 22nd, 2011, 9:33 pm
by wlollpop
Gazoid wrote:
From what I have been hearing too, MineCon was highly disorganised, mainly due to its planning by MinecraftChick (who has not done events before).
It's very unprofessional and makes both sides look like douches.
Yea, in my opinion they need to hire someone who knows what the hell they are doing. I support mojang in this, but I think they should do more of making their company better now that the game is fully released.
Re: Notch VS. The Yogscast.
Posted: November 23rd, 2011, 4:28 am
by theblacknight123
Re: Notch VS. The Yogscast.
Posted: November 23rd, 2011, 2:54 pm
by LumpyCustard7
Yo dawg, I herd u like fire, so i set ur fire on fire so u can flame while u flame
On topic: I personally support Notch, although right now this is a very one-sided argument (it's just Notch throwing a lot of crap at the Yogscast; I don't think they've made a reply yet).
Needs more information before we can judge.
Re: Notch VS. The Yogscast.
Posted: November 23rd, 2011, 4:09 pm
by wlollpop
yogscast are stalling a shit
"we aren't stalling in any way, we merely want to draft a coherent response, instead of raging in a con-flu/jet lagged state - have patience!"
obviously STALLING