- johny_hamerstix
- Dirt digger
- Posts: 4
- Joined: November 15th, 2011, 3:30 am
hey, i just joined the server and i was hoping someone could help me find a large plot of land where i can start building. i plan to create a spleef arena and will need space for a diamond mine, house, mob spawner and trap, and the overall arena.
The cool thing about this server is you can build pretty much wherever you want unless what you make will interfere with a town, and the town doesn't give you permission. So if you find any area that seems to be relatively empty (best way is to walk far away from spawn & rails) you could make it there. If you really want to be careful ask admins when they are online if the place you are in is ok.
Just check the Worldmap, link is up in the top right of the site.
"Diamond Mine" is just a common term for a mine that extends down to Layers 16-bedrock.Der_Jakal wrote:how do you make a mine for just diamonds?
I realize you probably already knew this.