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Trouble joining server

Posted: October 2nd, 2011, 12:58 pm
by JonFawcett
Hey :)
Thanks for recently adding me to the whitelist, and even though I'm new here, I'm having trouble joining the server.
When I add it to the "Play Multiplayer" screen, I just displays the 'X' and 'Can't reach server' in red letters.

Sorry to trouble you :P But can you give me any tips on how to actually log on?
Any help is much appreciated! :D

Re: Trouble joining server

Posted: October 2nd, 2011, 2:41 pm
by Ace2910
Oh, don't type in "" as the ip, it recently changed. The new ip is ""

Re: Trouble joining server

Posted: October 2nd, 2011, 3:59 pm
by JonFawcett
Thanks alot! It's working now, and I'm on. :D