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Beachville beach

Posted: October 19th, 2010, 2:20 pm
by jcdobber
Somebody made a mess of the beach at beachville next to spawn :(

Re: Beachville beach

Posted: October 19th, 2010, 2:47 pm
by Maxloader
how long has this been this way?

Re: Beachville beach

Posted: October 19th, 2010, 2:56 pm
by jcdobber
i guess one or 2 days

Re: Beachville beach

Posted: October 19th, 2010, 3:53 pm
by Maxloader
Then its too bad, people arent gonna be happy with a rollback to a time so long ago, its important to report this stuff a.s.a.p

Re: Beachville beach

Posted: October 19th, 2010, 9:54 pm
by jcdobber
I dont know exactly becuase i havent been online a while :( can you atleast give me a lot of sand to fill it again?

Re: Beachville beach

Posted: October 19th, 2010, 10:04 pm
by TheHank
I think Cor_ and Gazoid have fixed it, atleast they were planning on
doing it. I just picked up some of their messages..

Re: Beachville beach

Posted: October 19th, 2010, 10:23 pm
by Gazoid
Yea fixed

Re: Beachville beach

Posted: October 19th, 2010, 10:28 pm
by Maxloader
tnx dudes!

Re: Beachville beach

Posted: October 20th, 2010, 10:48 pm
by jcdobber
Double thanx!

Re: Beachville beach

Posted: October 21st, 2010, 4:51 pm
by Cor_
TheHank wrote:I think Cor_ and Gazoid have fixed it, atleast they were planning on
doing it. I just picked up some of their messages..
True. I forgot to respond in this topic to say we fixed it :P.