helicopter project

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helicopter project

Post by sam-the-man » August 5th, 2011, 11:48 am

Hey it's 'donwhitam' from the server. I was thinking that when the server is finally updated to 1.7.3, i would start a project on building a helicopter. It would have to be in the middle of nowhere so it's shadow won't cover up anything. The only problem is... What would I build it out of? Thanks -don. P.S anyone willing to help will be payed in iron or gold depending on how good you help :)
donwhittam left the game.

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Re: helicopter project

Post by Midevele1 » September 2nd, 2011, 5:43 am

iron for the frame, wool for interier, redstone repeaters for controlls, and wood for blades?

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