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Lag in Spawn
Posted: May 31st, 2011, 9:03 pm
by doghawk
I know a few are well aware of this problem, but I haven't seen it mentioned on the forum.
Spawn has become almost completely unusable. When using the /spawn command (or for any unfortunate new players who have to start there), chunks either won't load, or take a ridiculous time to load. This problem seems to exist even when there is only one player on the server.
My suspicion is that the NPC trading shops are the fundamental cause of the problem. If you are a shopkeeper, how would you feel about moving your NPC? Do you have any good ideas about where to create trading areas? Would you be willing to use trading signs rather than NPCs?
Re: Lag in Spawn
Posted: May 31st, 2011, 9:39 pm
by dtherrien
I also have noticed an INSANE amount of mobs (both friendly and not so friendly) in that area while chunks are still loading. I feel like that is probably contributing to the ridiculous lag.
Re: Lag in Spawn
Posted: May 31st, 2011, 9:53 pm
by Chris_koot
YH for example the nether portal it takes 1 min to get in the nether bucause of this lag
Re: Lag in Spawn
Posted: May 31st, 2011, 10:16 pm
by Der_Jakal
I was really excited about the npcs when they were opened up for us to use, but I agree that it seems like they're causing the problem. I think npc's still have practical uses but I agree they're really not worth the trouble they cause. I think we should try a limit of one npc per person, and only one npc per an area and see if that lessens the problem any. If it doesn't help though I think I'd rather have npcs be admin only than have to deal with the lag they cause.
Re: Lag in Spawn
Posted: May 31st, 2011, 10:39 pm
by scope_ion
I too noticed the large amounts of hostile mobs near spawn. There is a cave to the left of it, and all the mobs spawn there. After I somehow managed to leave the spawn building, I used F3 and saw at least 100 mobs, all around the spawn area. My suggestion would be not to use /spawn or go near it until the issue is fixed.
Re: Lag in Spawn
Posted: May 31st, 2011, 10:54 pm
by doghawk
Perhaps if Max made the chunks around spawn a "mob-free" zone, we could keep the NPCs without lag.
Re: Lag in Spawn
Posted: May 31st, 2011, 11:04 pm
by Maxloader
I only see the cartvendor there now, is the rest moved?
Still the chunks only seem to load when walking towards them.
But this has been a problem during the whole 1.5 version really.
I want to see if it solves itself when we are running 1.6
Re: Lag in Spawn
Posted: May 31st, 2011, 11:55 pm
by Pestilencemage
yes, the zone loading issues are probably amplified by npcs and any other issues that contribute (mobs and whatnot). We could check if NPCs are triggering mob spawns (read as players in relation to spawn area validation checks) as that would explain the mob overload and lag in relation to spawn.
As to being restricted to spawn, that does not seem to be the case. I get about the same ill effects from every area (Long load times for microchunks) and it has to do with 1.5 patch. I saw quite afew performance tweaks in the patch notes for the 1.6 series patchs and I would expect a performance boost when the mods catch up and we move on to that version.
Until then, we'll just half to make due with what we have and remember the game is technicly in beta. Avoid spawn if you have strong performance issues there and I'll try to look into the NPC spawn check issue when I can (or just mention the theory to wlolltech personel and I'm sure they will be all over it).
Re: Lag in Spawn
Posted: June 1st, 2011, 4:30 am
by mlockh19
Pestilencemage wrote:yes, the zone loading issues are probably amplified by npcs and any other issues that contribute (mobs and whatnot). We could check if NPCs are triggering mob spawns (read as players in relation to spawn area validation checks) as that would explain the mob overload and lag in relation to spawn.
As to being restricted to spawn, that does not seem to be the case. I get about the same ill effects from every area (Long load times for microchunks) and it has to do with 1.5 patch. I saw quite afew performance tweaks in the patch notes for the 1.6 series patchs and I would expect a performance boost when the mods catch up and we move on to that version.
Until then, we'll just half to make due with what we have and remember the game is technicly in beta. Avoid spawn if you have strong performance issues there and I'll try to look into the NPC spawn check issue when I can (or just mention the theory to wlolltech personel and I'm sure they will be all over it).
Jakal and I were testing something the other day, and NPCs are seen by the server as players, meaning when mobs spawn around them, they do not despawn. This may be causing the issues because any mobs (either light or dark ones in caves) are staying, and creating large amounts of lag in the area. Just a theory...
Re: Lag in Spawn
Posted: June 1st, 2011, 5:43 am
by Der_Jakal
technically with those test results I could run my egg factory non stop by hiring an npc worker to stand guard over mah chickenz. but I decided that was too much power for any one man and deleted my npc because the temptation was too great.
Re: Lag in Spawn
Posted: June 1st, 2011, 7:41 am
by Maxloader
It makes sense, the server treats npc's as players so it keeps the area around them 'alive' so to speak.
Thus it will spawn mobs etc.
Re: Lag in Spawn
Posted: June 1st, 2011, 4:36 pm
by theblacknight123
And also, they attract Creepers that will blow up the ground surrounding your NPC
Re: Lag in Spawn
Posted: June 2nd, 2011, 1:02 pm
by Ash
Mob trap in spawn, anyone? XD
Re: Lag in Spawn
Posted: June 2nd, 2011, 7:00 pm
by Sooneey
Ash wrote:Mob trap in spawn, anyone? XD