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-- Chapter 1: The Ol' Lands --
Posted: May 25th, 2011, 12:04 pm
by Sooneey
The old lands of what Sooneey and Yeenoos were born into has been found. The mystical land has been searched after by many heroes and ventured to these lands over the years and only a few have returned with stories of power and corruption.
These lands have now made accessible by the people who have lived in these lands for thousands of years. It has been isolated by the rest of the world and know nothing of the war Yeenoos and Sooneey have thought, or so they say.
The land will be open to the public after the town repairs some old buildings and clean up the streets.
Be prepared to venture to a world that has never been documented nor has even seen civilisation besides their own. The towns in these lands keep to themselves and follow strict rules so make sure to brush up on your language and not to say anything rude infront of them.
More details will be given once I manage to fly over and send a few men over and see what has been going on.
Something has changed in the land and Yeenoos has already started rallying up some demons to search the land for the ancient civilisation.
Be sure to check here for future updates.
Re: -- Chapter 1: The Ol' Lands --
Posted: June 27th, 2011, 5:37 pm
by Sooneey
1. Only clayblocks can be broken and nothing else unelss instructed otherwise.
2. Do not venture out of designed areas. Don't try and jump over fences.
3. Do not use firemaking tools unless instructed otherwise.
4. Be patient when talking to npcs.
5. Try and stick together and not rushing.
6. Follow sign instructions, do not go through an exit.
7. To get through an iron gate you MUST have a button from an npc.
8. Once a button is placed it can not be removed.
9. Graphics must be on fast.
10. Remember to find somewhere to call /home, only once you are next to a bed can you set a home.
11. Remember dieing is bad.
12. All puzzles are solveable.
13. Someone storming off on their own will die, from unkown causes. Stay together.
14. Do not bring anything with you, that you are not willing to lose.
15. Do not attack fellow adventurers.
16. When npcs are talking do not spam the chat asking questions.
17. Try and use skype.
18. If you see Sooneey it is a past memory and is too help. Do not expect him to fight in anyway.
Re: -- Chapter 1: The Ol' Lands --
Posted: June 27th, 2011, 5:41 pm
by Sooneey
This event needs a date and time to prepare the adventure.
Anyone think of a good time to do this?
Re: -- Chapter 1: The Ol' Lands --
Posted: June 27th, 2011, 7:41 pm
by Der_Jakal
Any time after 12:00 GMT/UTC - 6h works best for me on any day. but I can't do it this weekend.
Re: -- Chapter 1: The Ol' Lands --
Posted: June 27th, 2011, 7:52 pm
by scope_ion
This looks pretty cool... I think I'll be available 7:00 GMT, (if EST -> GMT is +5 hours). I'm not sure about weekends though.
Re: -- Chapter 1: The Ol' Lands --
Posted: June 27th, 2011, 8:09 pm
by Sooneey
For the timezone problems everyone whos posting here use GMT+0 so we don't have to keep calculating.
The server time is GMT+1
It needs to be soon this event so I'm thinking in the next few days, I'm on holiday in Ayia Napa Sunday evening so I won't be online for a whole week ( never happened before ).
Re: -- Chapter 1: The Ol' Lands --
Posted: September 6th, 2011, 11:01 pm
by Sooneey
This event is finished and OPEN! We need a list of people willing to play!
So post here if you want to go on the GREATEST adventure!
Re: -- Chapter 1: The Ol' Lands --
Posted: September 7th, 2011, 1:15 am
by Pestilencemage
I shalt makeith time...ith for thine most noble of quests.
I beith available from aboutith 11:00pm (GMT) toith 5:00am (GMT) or thereabouts.
P.S. The "Greatest Adventure" is in my pants. This must be #2
Re: -- Chapter 1: The Ol' Lands --
Posted: September 7th, 2011, 1:57 am
by Ace2910
Well, just for the record, i'm in.
Re: -- Chapter 1: The Ol' Lands --
Posted: September 7th, 2011, 2:28 am
by Midevele1
im in too

Re: -- Chapter 1: The Ol' Lands --
Posted: September 7th, 2011, 3:00 am
by wlollpop
I'll try my best to be here when this happens, sounds like loloads of fun
Re: -- Chapter 1: The Ol' Lands --
Posted: September 7th, 2011, 1:22 pm
by pixiebitch
I would like to sign myself in to the GREATEST adventure EVER!

Re: -- Chapter 1: The Ol' Lands --
Posted: September 7th, 2011, 1:32 pm
by DreadsEye
I also would like to be with you on this thing. I just hope i can be there when it starts.
Re: -- Chapter 1: The Ol' Lands --
Posted: September 8th, 2011, 12:51 am
by Pestilencemage
Tis' the season for new games. Many games have been relieced lately (Space Marine/RedOrchestra:Heroes/DuesEx:HR) and there are more on the way soon (BF3).
So while my cup runith over, I may not notice the start date/time. I'll keep my skype on when I am available so take a look and give me a shout (Halla at'cha boi!) when the event starts if I am not currently in the game server.
P.S. I might have too much info to participate in full. If the area of the quest looks too farmilure then I may receed into the role of enforcer and stick to the combat aspects of group assistance, leaveing the puzzlework to others.