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Requesting unban

Posted: May 21st, 2011, 6:19 pm
by magix36
i am sorry for every thing i have done i promise i wont do any more bad things to you or other people.can you please unban me i wont do any more bad things to you.some people were trapping me in a cave at zburg and so i placed a lot of blocks in the cave.can you please let me back in the server.but i dont no the people who traped me in the cave but i am sorry for everything i have done.

P.S. (fallen) I couldn't send a msg so i made a post here.

Re: Requesting unban

Posted: May 21st, 2011, 6:35 pm
by Sooneey
Sorry but you were given a warning and did not listen.

Griefing will not be tolerated.