Metro City Rules

A modern skyscraper city! Ace2910 and wlollpop Are your mayors
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Metro City Rules

Post by wlollpop » May 17th, 2011, 9:45 pm

Section 1-General:
1. No exterior modifications to building without the approval of Ace2910 or wlollpop
2. Do not build within 60 blocks of Metro unless approved by both Ace2910 and wlollpop
3. Do not make vaults, etc. under or near Metro
4. Do not destroy any exterior part of a building and do not destroy interiors of buildings other than yours
5. Do not set fire to flammable materials somewhere where it could possibly cause a large fire
6. Leave the nature destruction to WlolLabs
7. Do not kill without consent of the victim
8. Basements must be within the boundaries of your house
9. No underground rail roads or tunnels
10. Do not build on Metro property without paying/consent of Ace2910 or wlollpop
11. Do not use water buckets outside of your building plot
12. If any damage is caused to a building related to you, even if extremely unrelated, it is your responsibility to repair it or report it
13. You can only make your own building if you are an approved builder of both Ace2910 or Wlollpop
14. The mayor of the underground of Metro is just a title and has no power over regular people, Ace2910 and wlollpop have the right to edit anything under Metro
15. Ace2910 and wlollpop have the right to destroy anything within the boundaries and the 60 block perimeter surrounding the boundaries.
Section 2-Suburban
1. No fire at all (overrides section 1 rule 5)
2. All the rules from section 1 apply here, as well as the preceding
[More rules for Suburbs coming soon]
Section 3-Rural
1. All the rules from section 1 apply here, as well as the preceding
[More rules for Rural area coming soon]
Last edited by wlollpop on June 28th, 2011, 5:39 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Metro City Rules

Post by doghawk » May 18th, 2011, 10:33 pm

As a citizen and property owner in Metro, I can appreciate the need for city ordinances, and these all seem reasonable. I have no arguments against these laws.

However, as a citizen and property owner in Metro, I have concerns over the public safety efforts made by our local government.

I rarely venture outside at night anymore due to the growing crime problem ravaging our beloved city. It seems that as soon as the sun goes down, an undesirable element of our population surface, and rule the streets with terror. I for one would like to see our local government do something to protect its citizenry from this danger.

I propose that a secure perimeter be built to ensure that only citizens walk the streets at night. I also propose that adequate lighting fixtures be installed to ensure a safe level of visibility at night. I not only propose these new investments, but I will willingly pay the taxes and volunteer my time to see that they are built.

I don't want anyone to be a victim of a mindless zombie rape, drive-by skeleton shooting, crafty spider pick-pocketing, or (god forbid) a creeper suicide bomber.

Enough is enough. Stand up for our rights!

Metro Citizen

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Re: Metro City Rules

Post by Der_Jakal » May 19th, 2011, 1:43 am

doghawk wrote:As a citizen and property owner in Metro, I can appreciate the need for city ordinances, and these all seem reasonable. I have no arguments against these laws.

However, as a citizen and property owner in Metro, I have concerns over the public safety efforts made by our local government.

I rarely venture outside at night anymore due to the growing crime problem ravaging our beloved city. It seems that as soon as the sun goes down, an undesirable element of our population surface, and rule the streets with terror. I for one would like to see our local government do something to protect its citizenry from this danger.

I propose that a secure perimeter be built to ensure that only citizens walk the streets at night. I also propose that adequate lighting fixtures be installed to ensure a safe level of visibility at night. I not only propose these new investments, but I will willingly pay the taxes and volunteer my time to see that they are built.

I don't want anyone to be a victim of a mindless zombie rape, drive-by skeleton shooting, crafty spider pick-pocketing, or (god forbid) a creeper suicide bomber.

Enough is enough. Stand up for our rights!

Metro Citizen
The soap, pick it up.

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Re: Metro City Rules

Post by wlollpop » June 20th, 2011, 2:39 am

doghawk wrote:As a citizen and property owner in Metro, I can appreciate the need for city ordinances, and these all seem reasonable. I have no arguments against these laws.

However, as a citizen and property owner in Metro, I have concerns over the public safety efforts made by our local government.

I rarely venture outside at night anymore due to the growing crime problem ravaging our beloved city. It seems that as soon as the sun goes down, an undesirable element of our population surface, and rule the streets with terror. I for one would like to see our local government do something to protect its citizenry from this danger.

I propose that a secure perimeter be built to ensure that only citizens walk the streets at night. I also propose that adequate lighting fixtures be installed to ensure a safe level of visibility at night. I not only propose these new investments, but I will willingly pay the taxes and volunteer my time to see that they are built.

I don't want anyone to be a victim of a mindless zombie rape, drive-by skeleton shooting, crafty spider pick-pocketing, or (god forbid) a creeper suicide bomber.

Enough is enough. Stand up for our rights!

Metro Citizen

Thank you for bringing this situation to our attention. We would like to assure you that this will be taken care of as soon as possible. For the time being Ace2910 has set up a Urban perimeter. This will stay up until the perimiter wall is completed. If you would like to report a complaint about any other aspects, please post it in the complaints section of the metro forum. Thank you, have a nice day.
-Metro city mayors, Ace2910 and Wlollpop

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Re: Metro City Rules

Post by Der_Jakal » June 20th, 2011, 2:51 am

The soap, pick it up.

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