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Prankster Egg Inc. [Coming soon]

Posted: May 14th, 2011, 9:51 pm
by Der_Jakal
Hello everyone. I recently finished my egg factory. it'll take a while for it to get to maximum capacity but when it is I will be opening Prankster Egg Co, the company that sells you eggs expressly for the purpose of covering shit in chickens.
We will sell you eggs for a set price / stack. OR. If you'd rather, for a small price extra we'll go with you to make sure the person/place get's extra covered in chickens.

EDIT: Eggs WILL NOT be sold for use in cakes, unless someone figures out how to prank people with cakes.

Re: Prankster Egg Inc. [Coming soon]

Posted: May 15th, 2011, 12:42 am
by Der_Jakal
And we're back up and running again. We're selling stacks of 16 eggs for 2g per. BAKERS DOZEN SPECIAL: if you buy 12 you get the 13th free.
talk to either me or DT for to buy.

Re: Prankster Egg Inc. [Coming soon]

Posted: May 16th, 2011, 11:17 pm
by FallenTuesday
mother of god that is a lot of chickens
what is the drop rate? about how long till u get a stack?
also why not use for cakes? =( cakes... caeks* are epc

Re: Prankster Egg Inc. [Coming soon]

Posted: May 17th, 2011, 1:11 am
by Der_Jakal
lol funny you should mention that...
the drop rate depends on how many chickens I put in. the most I had was 43 stacks an hour ;)