The Movie

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Post by mlockh19 » April 23rd, 2011, 4:34 am

I know that Jakal has done a bit of this before, but I figured I'd have a stab at it.

I plan to screen capture scenes from the server using Fraps. I have tested and can capture 1080p video at 30fps and still be able to play at 60fps (I may play with this, but this should be fine), so I can see what I'm doing.

I will edit the video together, make it look nice, add some music (suggestions?), and upload it somewhere for people to see.

I currently plan on capturing the following for the video:
S-Town (aerial)
T-Town (arena, aerial?)
Botra (aerial, plus a few more)
Metro (aerial)
Sheamas' Temple
A few Yeenoos things (with his permission of course)

If you have suggestions for places to record or want to help out in some way (actors?) let me know

I don't know when this will be done, as the editing will be done in what spare time I have, so no final date yet.

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Re: The Movie

Post by Der_Jakal » April 23rd, 2011, 6:16 am

Yeah I've given up on capturing video. My compy can't handle it. :( but I'm glad you're doing it, I think somebody should for sure.

I'd love to help out with editing or anything you need just let me know. If you don't have a YouTube account I have one we can post them on if you'd like (with full credit to you of course).

Your title for this post gives me another idea, what if we wrote out a script and recorded and edited like a theatrical movie? It wouldn't have to be Hollywood quality or anything, just something fun that we'd probably all enjoy making more than watching.
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Re: The Movie

Post by mlockh19 » April 23rd, 2011, 6:35 am

This was actually an idea tossed around in In-Game chat. If people are up to putting a script together, I'd be for it.

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Re: The Movie

Post by Der_Jakal » April 23rd, 2011, 7:16 am

I'd be happy to write a script. I should have more time for stuff like that in a week or so. I'll need to toss some ideas around with people though. that's how I think when script writing. plus we need to decide on some stuff (ie: genre, basic plot, who's in it, etc)
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Re: The Movie

Post by FallenTuesday » April 23rd, 2011, 8:25 am

add the holy cathedral of the light to the list of things to record. You should make a separate video about our yeenoos vs. the light battle and include both sides.
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Re: The Movie

Post by Zuggu » April 23rd, 2011, 10:21 am

Add the octagony thing in Zburgh too!
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Re: The Movie

Post by Der_Jakal » April 23rd, 2011, 6:48 pm

I'd like to have my execution chamber filmed. it's kinda in disrepair atm though...
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Re: The Movie

Post by litmeuplol » April 23rd, 2011, 9:16 pm

Can i be in it? If its not too full already :P

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Re: The Movie

Post by mlockh19 » April 23rd, 2011, 11:03 pm

FallenTuesday wrote:add the holy cathedral of the light to the list of things to record. You should make a separate video about our yeenoos vs. the light battle and include both sides.
Yes i will be getting that :D. THat may be a good idea for the video with the plot...
Zuggu wrote:Add the octagony thing in Zburgh too!
I already got Zburgh, with the octogon thing. I got a few shots of it, and might get a few more.
Der_Jakal wrote:I'd like to have my execution chamber filmed. it's kinda in disrepair atm though...
Sure thing! If we're in game together i can help you fix it up if you want.
litmeuplol wrote:Can i be in it? If its not too full already
Sure. I already have shots of Wlol and Ace, so why not?

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Re: The Movie

Post by wlollpop » April 23rd, 2011, 11:43 pm

mlockh19 wrote:
Sure. I already have shots of Wlol and Ace, so why not?
Thats OK.
Give credit to pestilencemage for making the cactus part of the skin! :D
Also make sure you get a shot of Maxloader doing something awesome!
Great Idea, I hope it goes well.

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Re: The Movie

Post by mlockh19 » April 24th, 2011, 12:03 am

wlollpop wrote:
mlockh19 wrote:
Sure. I already have shots of Wlol and Ace, so why not?
Thats OK.
Give credit to pestilencemage for making the cactus part of the skin! :D
Also make sure you get a shot of Maxloader doing something awesome!
Great Idea, I hope it goes well.
This brings up a good point. If you do not want to appear in the video, let me know here or in PM and if you somehow end up in a shot i will omit it.

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Re: The Movie

Post by Der_Jakal » April 24th, 2011, 12:18 am

FallenTuesday wrote:add the holy cathedral of the light to the list of things to record. You should make a separate video about our yeenoos vs. the light battle and include both sides.
I'll talk to sooneey about the plot and maybe we can come up with a script for it.
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Re: The Movie

Post by Maxloader » April 24th, 2011, 1:11 am

Cool, im pretty excited about this project! other news, my internet at my new home should be working now so i will have to set the modem and router and wall connectors up soon.
And then, physically move the server to my new home and crank up the maximum slots to 30 ;)
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Re: The Movie

Post by Der_Jakal » April 24th, 2011, 6:11 am

The soap, pick it up.

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Re: The Movie

Post by wlollpop » April 25th, 2011, 2:28 am

Hey Mlock, I thought it would be cool if you used the Depth of Field mod for this, because movies use depth of field a lot. Although it tends to lag if you have a lot of windows open. Otherwise, I thought it'd be pretty awesome for your use!

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Re: The Movie

Post by mlockh19 » April 26th, 2011, 11:29 pm

Does anyone have any suggestions for a soundtrack/music for the video? I feel that the music really generates the feel of the video, so i'd like to get this down before I begin editing. Better yet, does anyone have the ability to make music? This would help avoid the issues associated with using copyrighted songs :P

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Re: The Movie

Post by Gazoid » April 27th, 2011, 10:44 am

EddyT is a music producer...

Give him a poke :D

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Re: The Movie

Post by Siduron » April 27th, 2011, 12:07 pm

As am i. I could also contribute music depending on what you think will fit best for the movie.

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Re: The Movie

Post by Ace2910 » May 26th, 2011, 4:42 am

Is this project still alive? Hadn't seen many updates in a while.

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Re: The Movie

Post by mlockh19 » May 26th, 2011, 4:58 am

Yes, I have to get updated footage of the server now. The past month has been busy for me, but I will be able to work on it more very soon

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Re: The Movie

Post by Ash » May 29th, 2011, 10:10 am

If you want to use anything in Falgrove (Castle/forest/etc) do feel free!
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Re: The Movie

Post by litmeuplol » July 20th, 2011, 9:58 am

Is this still on-going?

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