Lost Items

Did you somehow lose an item? Post how it happened and an admin will see if you can get an item back.
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Lost Items

Post by Der_Jakal » April 12th, 2011, 7:14 am

Ok so I guess I should've taken the fact that nobody else was online as a fact that something was wrong but I just figured it was because it's so late. anyway I was holding shift placing blocks when my character decided it would be a good idea to forget what the shift key means and fell off and died, which wouldn't have been a problem except the lag was so bad none of the chunks were loading. it took me about five minutes to get from spawn to Your tree of life and then I didn't get very far past that before I wasn't able to move at all anymore the lag kept bringing me back to the same spot I was in and I gave up after about five minutes about that. I wasn't carrying many valuables except for about thirty pumpkins, a stack of orange wool and an iron sword. I can't really remember what else I had but the pumpkins are the most important if I could please get those back that would be amazing.
The soap, pick it up.

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Re: Lost Items

Post by Maxloader » April 12th, 2011, 7:53 am

I gave it back to u.

Sorry about the insane lag, but it seems that since the 1.4 update it is like this.
It may be a problem in bukkit or with minecraft itself but i can't do anything about either.

I raised the memory limit to 6 GB again though (somehow it was restricted to 1 GB again)
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Re: Lost Items

Post by Der_Jakal » April 12th, 2011, 5:25 pm

Thanks Max.
The soap, pick it up.

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