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how my day was today.

Posted: April 6th, 2011, 5:19 pm
by ownu1hit99
just thought you might want to know how my day was today :)

it was a amazing day woke up was nice and sunny and warm
so i desided to go down to the beach for afew hours and went surfing with my mate.

3 hours later

i walk home and drive into town but on my way into town some fucking twat munch faget of a guy
randomly stops the car infront of me blasting justin bieber..... so i yell out shut the fuck up
then should have guessed it 3 wiggers jumped out of the car walked upto my car opend the door and draged me out and beat d sht outa me then ran of.

all around 16-20 years old
dident do much dmg to me but split my nose abit so i went into the hospital to see what the go was
then guess who comes into the hospital abit over a hour later with blood gushing out of his head 1 of the idiots started with someone els and they smashed a bottle over his head and split his head open.
i laughed soooo hard i nerly cryed.

point of this story is :) karma is a bish :P
and that jb fans are all going to cop a bottle to the head :)

Re: how my day was today.

Posted: April 6th, 2011, 6:00 pm
by Maxloader
haha wtf ownu!
are your stories for real or are you just making them up? xD LMAO

Re: how my day was today.

Posted: April 6th, 2011, 7:07 pm
by ownu1hit99
im srs it happend weirdest day ever

Re: how my day was today.

Posted: April 16th, 2011, 3:09 am
by Sooneey