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Pigmen Glitch

Posted: March 26th, 2011, 11:13 pm
by Ace2910
In the nether, after 1 person (not me) hit a pigman, a unusually large number of pigmen spawned, all of them aggro'd at everyone.
I had lost a Diamond sword, pickaxe, shovel, a bow and 5 stacks of arrows, some netherrack, and a bunch of cobble.
The invisible item glitched happened too, so I couldn't see where the items were.
By the time an admin had cleared out the place, all of my things were gone.

Re: Pigmen Glitch

Posted: March 27th, 2011, 1:36 am
by Maxloader
Let this be a warning to everyone, if you die by your own fault your items will not be returned.
When some1 hits a pigman, they will all aggro on everybody, this is probably because the nether is not out for smp yet (this is a bukkit feature)
Also, dont be stupid, don't take valuable items into the nether, take only items with you and consider them 'lost' at that moment because you WILL die there.
I will return your items this time but not in future events.

Re: Pigmen Glitch

Posted: March 27th, 2011, 1:44 am
by Ace2910
Thanks, if I knew about the way pigmen aggro'd, I wouldn't have brought anything valuable.
I can assure you that this won't happen again.