New rules for the new map
Posted: September 27th, 2010, 9:56 pm
Suggestions anyone?
Ownu had the Idea to make /Setwarp an Admin only command , and only let players keep /sethome. I'd say to give it to admins and mods.So I'd say, start a new map. Transfer only Castlecity (without the mine and the trading district), and put the spawn within 30 seconds range of castlecity.
Also, Eddy had this great idea that a new City would have to pass a Vote to get build. This would, however, force everybody to sign up at the forums (Which i think is a good idea.)
Anything else? Yes, on a new map, no free Lava would be a good idea. Maybe no free water too, but i kinda like water on Buildings, just my taste.
Another point was to build a Garden for Statues and pixelarts. Good idea there from eddy too. Just next to Castlecity would be nice.
And people began to moan about "Pointless buildings". how bout a simple "Ask a Mod/Admin before you build something big" rule?
I think just having your 3 people ( 1 mayor and 2 citizens) will be enough then just ask a mod or higher for permission to start a town.EddyT wrote: [...]
A proposal vote for new cities could work really well in keeping communities bustling and active, maybe a minimum of 2 admins and 3-5 users voting yes to the city?
The notice board is already a requirement (see the rules)EddyT wrote: [...]
They could also really improve the server aesthetically as users would have to propose creative ideas in order to get them accepted, making the new cities built thoroughly and with great care. Maybe introducing minimum infrastructure requirements for cities too? For example a city must have a station with a rail link, pedestrian access via a gravel path or even river/aqueduct access for boats? Along with basic things like a notice board/quest board and Incinerator. Tell me if I am getting carried away here... Haha!
Yup, i would like to have a crossroad with a nice glass building overlapping it and the basic server rules on signs.EddyT wrote: [...]
And for the spawn location I am thinking not building heavily around it? Perhaps only have a station/cross roads with signs to surrounding cities? Obviously with a large, informative bill board for new users too!This should remove the need to move the spawn point in future.
Setwarps will be restricted to moderators, which in their turn have a responsibility not to make a warp for each 10 meters like it is now.EddyT wrote: [...]
I do think setting warp points should be restricted to admins as having too many will slow the server. Maybe people can buy warp points?... I am not sure.
It is important not to forget personal vaults too as these have helped the server significantly.
No 1x1 towers that is.JakeDanger wrote:Towers:
Really no towers? I mean, there are lots of interesting ways that a tower can be built; I think mine was ok in the main, was it not? It was out of town in any case...
Building is not restricted to towns, i did not mention this anywhere.JakeDanger wrote: Towns:
Are we saying that building is restricted to towns full stop? Part of the charm of the game is to be able to wander out into the wilderness and just build interesting things that people see as the civilisation gradually expands. I'm very happy to contribute to a town, but the great unknown is interesting too!
I like this, but this is for the town owner to decide.JakeDanger wrote: Themed towns:
When a town is established, it could have an architectural theme that the resitdents should stick to for aesthetic building purposes. Those who don't like towers could shun tower town, of course!![]()
I still favor the forum poll idea from eddy. with about 30 active people, we can theoretically still have 10 tiny towns, spread everywhere over the landscape. We seriously don't need more than 4-6 towns. Also, the forum poll will keep the community checking the forums from time to time, which is something that I'd really like to see.I think just having your 3 people ( 1 mayor and 2 citizens) will be enough then just ask a mod or higher for permission to start a town.
Very nice idea there! Themed towns would look completely awsome.Themed towns:
When a town is established, it could have an architectural theme that the resitdents should stick to for aesthetic building purposes. Those who don't like towers could shun tower town, of course!
Great idea there. Just be sure that noone cann miss the server rules! On the old spawn:Yup, i would like to have a crossroad with a nice glass building overlapping it and the basic server rules on signs.
Why exactly would the be a good idea? I don't see the problem in having a house in 3 towns. No one gets hurt by doing this.You can only live in 1 town at one time!
Oops. sign'dps: wall of text crits your eyes for over 9000
Nah, that was just me seeking clarification. All sounds great!Maxloader wrote:Building is not restricted to towns, i did not mention this anywhere.JakeDanger wrote:
Are we saying that building is restricted to towns full stop? Part of the charm of the game is to be able to wander out into the wilderness and just build interesting things that people see as the civilisation gradually expands. I'm very happy to contribute to a town, but the great unknown is interesting too!
Maybe 1 mayer 3 citizens thenDreadsEye wrote: I still favor the forum poll idea from eddy. with about 30 active people, we can theoretically still have 10 tiny towns, spread everywhere over the landscape. We seriously don't need more than 4-6 towns. Also, the forum poll will keep the community checking the forums from time to time, which is something that I'd really like to see.
Yes, its better to have an open ceiling because of this.DreadsEye wrote: a) People kept spawning on the roof, which lead to not noticing the boards.
Yes, when you can have a house in multiple towns, you will always neglect one.DreadsEye wrote: Why exactly would the be a good idea? I don't see the problem in having a house in 3 towns. No one gets hurt by doing this.
I can see that being able to build in several towns would kill the "1 Mayer, 2 Citizens" Rule. But it would totally go with the Forum-Poll version.
exactly thats why i recomended it and + if 3 citizins 1 mayor and u can have more than 1 house there will be like 5 towns if u can only have a house in 1 town at a time will keep it alot more stable.maxloader wrote:Maybe 1 mayer 3 citizens thenDreadsEye wrote: I still favor the forum poll idea from eddy. with about 30 active people, we can theoretically still have 10 tiny towns, spread everywhere over the landscape. We seriously don't need more than 4-6 towns. Also, the forum poll will keep the community checking the forums from time to time, which is something that I'd really like to see.Yes, its better to have an open ceiling because of this.DreadsEye wrote: a) People kept spawning on the roof, which lead to not noticing the boards.Yes, when you can have a house in multiple towns, you will always neglect one.DreadsEye wrote: Why exactly would the be a good idea? I don't see the problem in having a house in 3 towns. No one gets hurt by doing this.
I can see that being able to build in several towns would kill the "1 Mayer, 2 Citizens" Rule. But it would totally go with the Forum-Poll version.
Which brings me to a problem: what happens if there are people moving out of a town?
1 city at a time, else you will just get abandoned cities again right? its not likely that you are active at more than one city.Cor_ wrote:I think it is bad if you may only live in one town at a time. In real life, you may buy multiple houses if you want, so why not in minecraft? It will make cities be able to grow.
And I think we need some clear rules about shops, like if they may be on normal plots or have to be in a special trading area of a city. And may they be outside cities?
I would say that gold would be a perfect source.. And then Iron for 1/10 of a gold or something.. That way gold will be used, as it isn't right now.Chain wrote:Also, we should think of another source of money, like Redstone.
tbh i think the money system is perfict atm no point changing it untill more on multiplayer is fixed like redstone working and creepers and things added because when they are added it will totaly change around the hole ecoSkovgaard wrote:I would say that gold would be a perfect source.. And then Iron for 1/10 of a gold or something.. That way gold will be used, as it isn't right now.Chain wrote:Also, we should think of another source of money, like Redstone.
Redstone will probally come in use when it gets fixed..
That sound excellent. Perhaps townships have to have their own threads on the forum, and have to state theme/members/whether they're accepting new citizens and whatever.JakeDanger wrote:
Themed towns:
When a town is established, it could have an architectural theme that the resitdents should stick to for aesthetic building purposes. Those who don't like towers could shun tower town, of course!
Just my 2p
As long as you leave a tree with ONLY leaves and NOT touching the ground then it will automatically wither.asferot wrote:Maybe I missed it, but...
We should make a rule about trees!
When a person chops a tree, he MUST collect saplings and plant them, or else this will be a barren wasteland!
Oh.. And no floating treetops! People must cut it ALL down! That stuff is a sore for eyes and a chore to clean up!
Yes, but i allready took down few trees with 2-3 wood blocks remaining...Maxloader wrote:As long as you leave a tree with ONLY leaves and NOT touching the ground then it will automatically wither.asferot wrote:Maybe I missed it, but...
We should make a rule about trees!
When a person chops a tree, he MUST collect saplings and plant them, or else this will be a barren wasteland!
Oh.. And no floating treetops! People must cut it ALL down! That stuff is a sore for eyes and a chore to clean up!