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Posted: February 22nd, 2011, 7:16 am
by Pestilencemage
Well, I'm keeping this masterpiece under wraps untill it's completed, only wloll has seen it in it's unfinished but *operational* state. It is a shrine didicated to wloll (Placard will be set apon completion)

I DO require a "buttload" of wool yet again, aproximately 5 stacks of wool (white, green, or lime) are demanded as tribute to CACTAR or he will devour my soul... which he clames will squish like a grape.

SO, if anyone has any wool to sell me, I would like to avoid horrable suffering from haveing dared to summon the mighty CACTAR into existance. who knows what destruction he will bring apon the server if I fail to satisfy his demands now.

Just note: any crashes and lagg is most likely due to his anger at haveing been delayed payment, so the sooner you sell me enough wool, the better off the server will be :)
Goodnight, and may CACTAR have mercy on your soul.


Posted: February 26th, 2011, 6:20 pm
by Pestilencemage
CACTAR is complete, he will bless his followers with the gift of cacti. Yes, CACTAR is a giant, 7 level Cacti farm with a very complex system for delivering/denying cacti, so dont go breaking any walls. Just aim at the + and toss in a sacrifice. Wait for abit while that item is floated 8 blocks and If the Blessing light is on, you should be getting cacti (after IT floats 8 blocks).


Posted: February 26th, 2011, 9:15 pm
by Chain
All bow to the Great Cactar!


Posted: February 28th, 2011, 9:48 pm
by litmeuplol
You DID give him the wool right? if not, i think he summoned Yeenoos, either that or he is pissed off that you didnt give him the wool in time.