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Posted: February 21st, 2011, 1:27 pm
by sam-the-man
Hey guys its donwhittam from the server. I was thinking i was going to begin on a big castle project, or build something big out of stone. For example, in my singleplayer, i have built the tower bridge. I am open for suggestions on what to build, and I'm hoping that some of you will help.

. Thanks -donwhittam
Re: castle??
Posted: February 21st, 2011, 2:06 pm
by Glitch0011
Sorry dude, but thats been pretty brutally done alreay. They are demi-gods at castle building on this server.
Re: castle??
Posted: February 21st, 2011, 9:01 pm
by sam-the-man
yeah well any suggestions would be great. Thanks

Re: castle??
Posted: February 23rd, 2011, 8:31 pm
by Sooneey
Build the Eiffel Tower, 1:1.

Re: castle??
Posted: February 23rd, 2011, 8:49 pm
by Der_Jakal
sky diving platform from max hight to bedrock with water at the bottom so you don't die