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-- Legend of Yeenoos -- The Fort!

Posted: February 14th, 2011, 12:33 am
by Sooneey
This event is part of a serie:
Part 1: The Legend of Yeenoos (
Part 2: Legend of Yeenoos: The Fort! (You are here)
Part 3: Legend of Yeenoos: The Frozen Prison (
Part 4: Legend of Yeenoos: The Sunken Ship (
Part 5: Yeenoos's Past: The Islands of Yeenoos's Followers (

The old ruin fort has appeared on the map mysteriously again. Like Yeenoos it is in weak condition, it was once though a great power house to Yeenoos Kingdom and had a keen strategic point to flanking his enemies passing though, or friends to that matter. Yeenoos' Zombie-Slave EddyT has been seen around the parts, killing and recruiting new people to join Yeenoos army.


I do not believe Yeenoos is powerful enough to bring back his Kingdom but his dark magic is becoming more and more visible and with the help of EddyT in the state he is it could be grim the future of this land.

However there is some good news. To put EddyT under this state is soul must be banished into different places. This graveyard is the perfect place to hide a part of his soul. It will be protected most likely with traps and even monsters. It is 86% possible to bring EddyT back to life. 14% chance he turns into Man-Bear-Pig.


Whilst EddyT helps Yeenoos, he can only get stronger. Therefore if we take his main follower we can hopefully make him weaker even more.

Re: -- Legend of Yeenoos -- The Fort!

Posted: February 15th, 2011, 1:07 am
by Sooneey
Rules for this event!

I think its safe to say the event -- Legend of Yeenoos -- (on the forums still) was a success. I got all round positive comments which is great so therefore I think these new rules for ingame events will help bring the event harder but more fun.

1. Placing blocks to overcome an obstacle is illegal without a sign telling you otherwise.

2. The use of a pickaxe to get through obstacles is illegal.

3. Yeenoos is powerful now, you have no chance to win in a fight with him so avoid contact with him, if he appears in front of you but does not fight he will not kill you. If he wanted to kill you he will.

I think that is all that is needed as rules at the moment. Hope everyone agrees and hopefully we will get the second event running tomorrow!

Re: -- Legend of Yeenoos -- The Fort!

Posted: February 15th, 2011, 9:02 am
by Maxloader
Sooneey wrote:2. The use of a pickaxe to get through obstacles is illegal.
What about using your hands to do it :P

Re: -- Legend of Yeenoos -- The Fort!

Posted: February 16th, 2011, 9:10 pm
by Sooneey
Maxloader wrote:
Sooneey wrote:2. The use of a pickaxe to get through obstacles is illegal.
What about using your hands to do it :P
Well I was hoping that everyone does not just want sit there punching cobble for about an hour!

Re: -- Legend of Yeenoos -- The Fort!

Posted: February 17th, 2011, 2:57 am
by Der_Jakal
Can I join this event if I wasn't here for the first one?

Re: -- Legend of Yeenoos -- The Fort!

Posted: February 17th, 2011, 8:34 am
by Maxloader
I'm almost certainly you can, sooneey?
And the first episode was cool xD we got the golden boots! - who holds them btw?

Re: -- Legend of Yeenoos -- The Fort!

Posted: February 17th, 2011, 5:35 pm
by Sooneey
Sure thing Der_Jakal!

Maxloader, I think DrElwood (Think I spelt that right) has them. However I am going to build a Sooneey Temple and a Yeenoos temple with Info in both of them and the Sooneey Temple will have a chest for the armour.

Re: -- Legend of Yeenoos -- The Fort!

Posted: February 18th, 2011, 1:19 am
by Der_Jakal
ok well count me in then.

Re: -- Legend of Yeenoos -- The Fort!

Posted: February 18th, 2011, 4:17 am
by scope_ion
I'm in. When be it?

Re: -- Legend of Yeenoos -- The Fort!

Posted: February 18th, 2011, 4:50 am
by mlockh19
I'm in :D

Re: -- Legend of Yeenoos -- The Fort!

Posted: February 20th, 2011, 7:57 pm
by Pestilencemage
I will follow them into the depths

Re: -- Legend of Yeenoos -- The Fort!

Posted: March 9th, 2011, 6:27 pm
by Sooneey
This event will be played through on Monday 14/03/2011 or (03/14/2011 for Americans) so make sure you are online to play the event at 9pm Server time!

Thanks Sooneey

Re: -- Legend of Yeenoos -- The Fort!

Posted: March 9th, 2011, 7:49 pm
by Maxloader

March 13th 2011 is on a sunday, so whats it gonna be? Sunday March 13th or Monday the 14th ?

Re: -- Legend of Yeenoos -- The Fort!

Posted: March 14th, 2011, 11:22 pm
by Maxloader
We finished 'The Fort' !
Was pretty hard and sometimes surprising.
I was recording a video but somehow it didnt get saved.

*edit* it did!
It seemed like needed some time to save it or something: