Inventory gone
Posted: February 10th, 2011, 10:16 pm
A couple days ago i was playing on the server but i had to go so i left. When i left i was standing in front of my incinerator. When i came back in the lava had spilled out of my incinerator ( a block had been placed in the lava which made it spill out) and i spawned on top of the lava. I died and all my stuff got burned by the lava. I dont know how the block got there that spilled the lava. Here is all my stuff:
30 iron ingots, 26 gold ingots, 3 buckets, diamond pick and sword, iron axe and shovel, 30 planks, 3 full stacks of cobble, 5 obsidian, 5 glass, 25 torches, 2 full stacks of redstone, 40 coal, 25 sticks, full stack of stone slabs, a sign, a wooden door.
Thanks, NoScoper44
30 iron ingots, 26 gold ingots, 3 buckets, diamond pick and sword, iron axe and shovel, 30 planks, 3 full stacks of cobble, 5 obsidian, 5 glass, 25 torches, 2 full stacks of redstone, 40 coal, 25 sticks, full stack of stone slabs, a sign, a wooden door.
Thanks, NoScoper44