Griefing on Pestilencemage's House in Ctown.
Posted: February 10th, 2011, 7:05 pm
I took the pre-caution of banning this player as his name has popped up everywhere where griefing has occured.
Better to be safe than sorry. If anyone has noticed any griefing DONT repair it. Admins need to check the block log and see who has placed/destroyed a block.
Here is the proof for Penguins Ban.

Edit: Proof on LumpyCustard's house aswell.

Edit2: Another picture, this time he has been inside the chest and wlollpop has said things are missing.

Better to be safe than sorry. If anyone has noticed any griefing DONT repair it. Admins need to check the block log and see who has placed/destroyed a block.
Here is the proof for Penguins Ban.

Edit: Proof on LumpyCustard's house aswell.

Edit2: Another picture, this time he has been inside the chest and wlollpop has said things are missing.