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Survival Adventures!! Click for EPIC WINZ

Posted: February 10th, 2011, 4:00 am
by mlockh19
Scope and I are planning an adventure into the unexplored (or at least less explored) territory on this server. We plan to start at Zugguburg and travel NW (if looking at the Dynamic Map). There will be a few rules during this adventure:

-Inventories will be cleared before leaving (Kill to confirm this)
-We will be required to move throughout most of the day (We may begin building shelter when sun is more than 3/4 across the sky)
-During daytime movement, stopping to collect surface materials is ok, however larger mines can only be made at night.
-You may eat up to 2 cooked pork per day (if you do not eat any one day, you may eat up to 3 the next)
-We will use /sethome to make sure people arent leaving the group. If people are found not complying with this will be removed from the group.
-A path will be left to lead people from one stop to the next if they are not online at the time of a movement.
-Resources will be shared during the venture, and split at the end based on a group vote. (More info Below)

For this first attempt, Scope and I have decided to bring up to Four people along. If you are interested, please post below, along with the approximate times you are online (We will try to match people that are on at similar times)

SPOTS: ||||||||||||||Times:
1. Mlockh19------------- Week: ~6pm-12am (not full 6 hours, but a range) Weekend: Varies (GMT -5)
2. Scope_ion-------------Week: ~4-6pm Weekend: Varies (GMT -5)

If this is a success, we may do it again with different ideas.

At the end of the adventure (a time determined by the group before beginning), a vote will take place to determine resource distribution. This will occur as follows:
1. Roughly ONE HALF of all resources will be distributed as evenly as possible.
2. A vote will take place, either on the forum or in game, and everyone will vote for whom they believe worked hardest on the trip. (not themself)
3. Based on the vote, First place will receive TWO THIRDS of the remaining loot, and the second place will receive ONE THIRD of it.

This is so everyone gets loot, but the harder working people get more reward.

Re: Survival Adventures!! Click for EPIC WINZ

Posted: February 10th, 2011, 7:18 pm
by theblacknight123
Hey mloch, ill join, im usually on the weekends from 2-5ish. i live in NY so it is prob dead night when im on, where you live
THX notch

Re: Survival Adventures!! Click for EPIC WINZ

Posted: February 13th, 2011, 5:12 am
by DrElwood
Ill join the adventure ive been getting tired of the same old towns.

Re: Survival Adventures!! Click for EPIC WINZ

Posted: February 13th, 2011, 5:17 am
by scope_ion
Okk, what times and time zones will you be on?

Re: Survival Adventures!! Click for EPIC WINZ

Posted: February 13th, 2011, 8:12 pm
by scope_ion
SPOTS: ||||||||||||||Times:
1. Mlockh19------------- Week: ~6pm-12am (not full 6 hours, but a range) Weekend: Varies (GMT -5)
2. Scope_ion-------------Week: ~4-6pm Weekend: Varies (GMT -5)

Re: Survival Adventures!! Click for EPIC WINZ

Posted: February 20th, 2011, 10:35 pm
by scope_ion
Im starting right now, sorry :P. I feel the need for adventure. Ask to sign up!

Re: Survival Adventures!! Click for EPIC WINZ

Posted: February 21st, 2011, 12:16 am
by scope_ion
[quote="scope_ion"]SPOTS: ||||||||||||||Times:
1. Mlockh19------------- Week: ~6pm-12am (not full 6 hours, but a range) Weekend: Varies (GMT -5)
2. Scope_ion-------------Week: ~4-6pm Weekend: Varies (GMT -5)
6.Archangelofwar (i think)