Zugguburgh, now official!

Your king is Zuggu and your dukes are Cor_ and Knuckle (chain on forums.)
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Zugguburgh, now official!

Post by Chain » February 6th, 2011, 4:17 pm

This town has recently become official, and we got this SWEET topic for our town! :D
The mayors of the town are: Me (Knuckle) and Zuggu

The town is split up into districts, there are currently 2 districts, though the second and latest district is going to become the new main district, because it has a much better architecture. The main district WILL have a special building with all the rules (and maybe news).

Also, the town has buildings that are built by our humble mayor, Zuggu. So don't complain about the price!

Town Rules:
- If you lure a Spider into town, either report it, or kill it.

- You are NOT allowed to modify your houses, but you can get permission from the mayors, but from now on, BOTH mayors have to agree.

- Do NOT cause any fire inside of town, use your Infinite Water Source in your houses to stop fires.

- NO PvP is allowed inside of town, but PvP is allowed when there is an event in the arena.

- Do NOT destroy ANY blocks that are part of the town, neither should you place blocks without the permission of a mayor, if you place a block, destroy it.

- No stealing is allowed, report any players you have seen stealing goodies from other people INSIDE of town. Take a picture as proof.

- If you see a creeper close to town or inside of town, kill it with a bow or fight it in the water! If a creeper damages anything inside of town, report/repair it.

We can add or remove laws any time we want, so check the laws often!

We have currently 4 citizens:
Succumb to us, Heretic!

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