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Whitelist Request [Randy5478]

Posted: February 3rd, 2011, 6:26 pm
by aznrandy5478
Hello my name is Randy
My Minecraft name is Randy5478
What I want to do in this sever is talk to people make new friends and survive together (If it is a survival sever) having fun
I want to play on this sever because it looks really professional, fun and a place that i can be safe and have all my things not stolen
Im 15 years
Did I Ever Griefed? Never Did, Never will, Never going to [I cant b/c im a guilt kinda person]

Please respond back

Thanks :lol:

Re: Whitelist Request [Randy5478]

Posted: February 3rd, 2011, 6:30 pm
by Maxloader
You are added to the whitelist!
Nice that you show interest in my server!
To connect simple press multiplayer in the main menu and enter '' as ip.
when you are ingame you can type /help for all commands.



Re: Whitelist Request [Randy5478]

Posted: February 3rd, 2011, 6:46 pm
by aznrandy5478
Thank you so much
:lol: Im going to have so much fun in this sever
hope i see you around and if u need it i can help u out with anything