Pestilencemage Whitelist Request

Fill in your whitelist request here (from the draft)
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Pestilencemage Whitelist Request

Post by Pestilencemage » January 29th, 2011, 8:20 am

Your Minecraft name: Pestilencemage
Your real name (optional): Adam
What you want to do on this server: Electrical engineering mostly
WHY you want to play on the server: Explore the ideas of others
Have you griefed before? if so, explain. This may or may not affect getting in: This would be my first MP minecraft game
Short description of yourself (optional): I'm friendly, I wouldnt upset anyone (on purpose). Alwayse consious of the fact that this is only a game, and therefor usualy slow to anger when others are less then friendly.

I've only played offline so far, looked up afew ideas others have had online via youtube (some bad, some good, some odd, most sloppy). I've kept my play on peaceful so far, toying with the mechanics and unique rules of the world. Love the logic gates and capabilities of carts and redwire circuits. Time to take the training wheels off though and see what the game is really like, and with all those nasties running about it would be nice to have alittle company and explore how others handle the harsh environments as well as show off afew of my own tricks.
I dont want to have buttsex with seven men in my basement, but I would like the freedom to have buttsex with seven men in my basement

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Re: Pestilencemage Whitelist Request

Post by Maxloader » January 30th, 2011, 1:21 am

You are added to the whitelist!
Nice that you show interest in my server!
To connect simple press multiplayer in the main menu and enter '' as ip.
when you are ingame you can type /help for all commands.


If you want to donate for my server, please press Image. thanks :)
More info about donating: (#14)

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