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Stop with the server?

Posted: June 5th, 2013, 8:58 am
by Maxloader
We all know it, the server is dying.
Main to the fact that there are very little active players on it.
I wanted to make a poll to ask you guys if i should stop with the server or not.
Let me know what you think.

Re: Stop with the server?

Posted: June 5th, 2013, 9:30 pm
by LumpyCustard7
I think, at the very least, you should re-enable sleep mode, cuz i'd imagine the server eats a lot of your energy bill.

Re: Stop with the server?

Posted: June 6th, 2013, 8:43 am
by Maxloader
LumpyCustard7 wrote:I think, at the very least, you should re-enable sleep mode, cuz i'd imagine the server eats a lot of your energy bill.
Energy, yes.
And in particular this iron golem farm at the spawn causes alot of CPU time and lag.

Re: Stop with the server?

Posted: June 6th, 2013, 11:59 am
by Gazoid
I will be a sad panda if it stops, but its your server so do as you must :)

I'm just not feeling the current map. I still think we need to spice it up somehow with team play. For me the sleep mode when the new map started was a big factor. Plus I was away for 4 months in the French alps with no real internet (all game ports were blocked) so I didn't get to play it much.

Perhaps stop it until horses are released? Then reboot and see how we get on in a new map?

Re: Stop with the server?

Posted: June 6th, 2013, 1:04 pm
by Maxloader
Gazoid wrote:I will be a sad panda if it stops, but its your server so do as you must :)

I'm just not feeling the current map. I still think we need to spice it up somehow with team play. For me the sleep mode when the new map started was a big factor. Plus I was away for 4 months in the French alps with no real internet (all game ports were blocked) so I didn't get to play it much.

Perhaps stop it until horses are released? Then reboot and see how we get on in a new map?
Thats a good idea i think, i could restart it on vanilla when horses are released!
Along with a new map.
No more sleep mode.
No cpu intensive things in a radius of 1000 blocks around the spawn.

Re: Stop with the server?

Posted: June 6th, 2013, 8:37 pm
by Tijl

Yea, I have seen it to that there aren't so many people active on the sever as there used to be. Even I haven't bin able to play lately because of my studies.
This is only a suggestion, but what if a select few start "Repairing" a new server ? What i mean by that is.. a few people get access to a new server, and together we build the basics. A few towns where people easly can get started, or where there are already some opportunities to have some fun (mini games or something like that) and an good organized spawn point,... . We work on this for a few weeks in the vacation, and when we are "done" we open the server for everybody.
I think this way it maybe is more fun to start playing when you're new on the server AND we can organize and plan the look of the map allot more (by selecting arias, so not everything is messy like houses very very close to spawn or random towers everywhere).
I remember that when i first joined Maxloader there was already some towns and stuff, it was allot more fun to buy a little house in a town, collect in the meanwhile allot of stuff, and then when you are really ready, building something big for yourself or others.
Its just an idea :) Let me know what you think.

Oh and PS... We could get allot more new players to join if we have alraidy something they can check out, I don't think allot of people join an empty map. If we promote it good enough, I'm sure this server can be what it once was again :) maybe even better :D

Re: Stop with the server?

Posted: June 6th, 2013, 8:37 pm
by sam-the-man
Even though I hardly play anymore, I don't think you should stop it. So many good memories haha :)

I agree, start a new map, it might attract more players.

Re: Stop with the server?

Posted: June 6th, 2013, 8:48 pm
by LumpyCustard7
I think this is in many ways my own fault, because I used to interact with the community more at spawn and such, but since Pearl, I've pretty much ran off and hid a base somewhere too far away to actually do anything with the community at spawn. I was thinking, if we started a new map, I would probably work more on community things - such as making arenas/PVP events with grinders (for arrows, lol) or simply building closer to spawn.

Re: Stop with the server?

Posted: June 6th, 2013, 8:53 pm
by peterjanb
it's been more than a year ago since i last was on the server >.> it was fun back then but i now get bored with minecraft to fast, i play FTB ultimate for like 30 min and then stop again because i'm done with it, this is not realy about the topic but i got the PM and i have no idea if max even remembers me xD but yea, i don;t even know why i post this <.< i'll just leave now lol :geek:

Re: Stop with the server?

Posted: June 6th, 2013, 9:13 pm
by scope_ion
I agree with Tijl, playing when there is stuff there is much more fun, and we really need more people. Once we got dug down into the depths on the server list we only got friends of people, and occasionally a acutal new person.I would probably play more when horses are around, and would love to assist in building if we did what Tijl said. I've been with another group where we play a lot of different games, so I don't play MC that often anymore. The thing is, I think most people only play much here because of the community now. If I see nobody is on, I probably won't get on. If I see two or three people are, I most likely will get on.

Re: Stop with the server?

Posted: June 6th, 2013, 10:22 pm
by lumberjack_b
I would also be sad to see it stop completely. Mainly because I've really enjoyed my time playing with you all. Realistically I don't have much time to play anymore. If some things changed I would make an effort to play though.

The main reason I stopped playing is because I prefer a more "survival-ish" server with a more level playing field. It lost a lot of fun for me when there got to be (in my opinion) too many Admins and Mods. It's not much fun when a lot of the people on the server are just using their abilities to "cheat" (i.e. teleport, spawn materials for personal use, etc.). I felt Admins and Mods had gotten way out of hand using abilities for personal gain. It just didn't fell like a survival server anymore. Maybe its changed though, I haven't really spent much time on the current map.

Like I said, my opinion is based on the type of play I prefer. Also, I haven't been on for a long time, so take my opinion for what its worth (not much).

All that being said, it's always been my favorite server!!!!

Re: Stop with the server?

Posted: June 6th, 2013, 10:46 pm
by Maxloader
What i am thinking, when making a new server on the next minecraft version (the horses update).
Keeping it 100% vanilla for a while (no bukkit at all) for keeping a real minecraft feel.
Remove op rights for everyone (including myself).
Griefers you say? lol well i haven't seen whitelist requests so quiet in like forever so...that shouldn't really be a problem.

Since nobody wants to lose this community, maybe we can play other games together that we like?

Re: Stop with the server?

Posted: June 6th, 2013, 11:36 pm
by Tijl
Or.. you paste every map you ever had (from this server) together into one huge world full of epicness :p We will call it Memory-Land :p

Re: Stop with the server?

Posted: June 6th, 2013, 11:50 pm
by Maxloader
Tijl wrote:Or.. you paste every map you ever had (from this server) together into one huge world full of epicness :p We will call it Memory-Land :p
Lol you are crazy

Re: Stop with the server?

Posted: June 6th, 2013, 11:59 pm
by LumpyCustard7
Well if our community isn't dead, then I'd love to get back onto the server! =D

Re: Stop with the server?

Posted: June 7th, 2013, 12:43 am
by Tijl
Maxloader wrote:
Tijl wrote:Or.. you paste every map you ever had (from this server) together into one huge world full of epicness :p We will call it Memory-Land :p
Lol you are crazy

I will never deny that max :p

Re: Stop with the server?

Posted: June 7th, 2013, 2:17 am
by Gazoid
Just a suggestion:

Idea 1:

Three beacons are created by admins, these are given heal attributes (so players get healed when near them).
Beacons are fairly far apart from one another.
Encourage players to build near them and cooperate
A chest is found by each beacon with a number of bricks and wood in to kickstart a town

Idea 2:

Same as above, except players must join one of 3 groups (group must have say 3 people in min) and find a location together that they all agree on.
On finding the location, they tell the admin and a Beacon with healing is made, and a chest with materials delivered.

The idea of the choosing groups is so that there is a balance of people per beacon, and that players agree to build together. Form friends and then trade/work with/fight (in arenas) other towns, to create rivalries or trade routes

Re: Stop with the server?

Posted: June 7th, 2013, 4:43 am
by wlollpop
whtever we can do to get more people to play im down for

Re: Stop with the server?

Posted: June 7th, 2013, 5:03 am
by sheamas
Definitely don't want to see the server shut down. I usually play heaps for a few weeks then take a month or so off. Main reason I haven't been on much is because I am having troubles with my internet.

I think a full on vanilla mode would be great to see on the server

Re: Stop with the server?

Posted: June 7th, 2013, 3:07 pm
by dtherrien
I've been running an FTB Ultimate server with a buddy of mine for about 6 months now. Vanilla got too boring for me after playing for 2 years. Doesn't mean I wouldn't pop back on once in a while. Also I think the golem farm you're talking about is mine...feel free to kill off the villagers in it....sorry bout that :-P

Re: Stop with the server?

Posted: June 7th, 2013, 5:15 pm
by doghawk
Sadly, I simply don't have time to play anymore... So, I won't be affected by the decision. Max, you should do whatever you feel is best. It's your server, your money, your utilities.

I have enjoyed many hours on this server, and wish I had more time to play. Thanks for all the fun, you guys stay awesome.

Re: Stop with the server?

Posted: June 7th, 2013, 9:13 pm
by Midevele1
The biggest thing with me is the fact that my computer just simply has a hard time running these newer versions of minecraft. I remember the old alpha days when even the shittiest computer could run it crystal clear! However i'm currently working to get a job and build a computer as i mentioned before. Max I love the server and community, and if nothing more at least keep the forum.

Alternative suggestions:
-Keep the server on sleep (as you have in the past) or shut it down temporarily till horses come out.
-Maybe we could migrate to a new game?
-New events that could draw us back in to the game.
-Blah blah blah, npc villagers, working economy, fresh botra.
-Huge team things or maybe clans could be set up to give us kinda an allegiance and we could build cities to compete? (If so I am totally going to be a Botra knight!)

I went on today (with a school IMAC so that i could actually run at more than 2 fps) and I put signs on. (GLORY TO ARSTOTZKA) I think maybe we could do tekkit or something to spice it up, i've been watching the yogscast tekkit series for quite some time, and could simply just picture "Sooneey's castle".

tl;dr: I vote keep it going, but maybe change it up?

P.S. I'll be back.

Re: Stop with the server?

Posted: June 7th, 2013, 10:03 pm
by LumpyCustard7
Since school is winding down i'll be less busy now - although i'm gonna be gone for most of july, unfortunately (i don't think the internet will be very good either). I think starting a new map would be cool, although last time that's what I pushed for and then I wasn't around to actually do anything when it started... lol.

I think for the time being you should probably put sleep mode on, seeing as it saves energy and not many people are really logging on. Seems most people are waiting for the update.

Re: Stop with the server?

Posted: June 7th, 2013, 11:04 pm
by mineturtle1423
I agree with the mini-game/team-game idea. At this point pretty much everything that can be done on the server has been done, so there isn't much point to go on at this time, at least for me. If we make more projects like mini-games, it would give us all something to do (Building the arenas) and we could play the games whenever. Then whenever we get tired of old games, we can build new arenas and game places which is another thing to keep us occupied. Then we end up with a server where building is still an option, but there is still stuff to do when you get bored. Maybe a new map so new buildings and projects could be started, that is unless someone is very attached to something on the current map. In the end it is still your decision so do whatever. Use this if you are continuing the server. If not, it has been a pleasure serving under you, the all mighty maxloader.

Re: Stop with the server?

Posted: June 7th, 2013, 11:07 pm
by mineturtle1423
if the server stays vanilla, command blocks give the feel of bukkit.

Re: Stop with the server?

Posted: June 8th, 2013, 12:18 am
by Sooneey
Why not wait till summer holidays start for everyone and give it a reboot?

So downtime till whatever date and push it on everyone "find a server" website. Admins and mods are more than capable with dealing with a flood of people.

Re: Stop with the server?

Posted: June 8th, 2013, 2:58 am
by wlollpop
i like the idea of some sort of structure and maybe competing towns that seems fun

Re: Stop with the server?

Posted: June 8th, 2013, 7:51 pm
by emthegem12
No max please don't stop it I still play on it and so does bluepuppy104 so please don't shut it down :( :( :?

Re: Stop with the server?

Posted: June 9th, 2013, 5:21 am
by bluepuppy104
This was my very first multiplayer server :) please don't stop the server I still play on the server but I've been rather busy lately, wait till summer vacation! I'm sure people will be on WAY more :D but yeah don't shut it down completely!

Re: Stop with the server?

Posted: June 9th, 2013, 12:21 pm
by Maxloader
I have decided.

I am not stopping the server yet.

When the horses update hits i will put the server in 100% vanilla mode.
This has pros and cons:

- Faster and more stable server
- no more hassle with outdated bukkit and/or bukkit mods
- always the newest minecraft version
- for me personnaly it saves alot of hassle configuring mods and permissions the right way

- no more dynmap
- no more ranks (i am still deciding who to give OP rights, no-one or admins only)
- no more commands other than those of vanilla