What is your political standpoint?

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What is your political standpoint?

Post by Midevele1 » October 26th, 2012, 12:29 am

Well shit. I'm an anarchist...

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U.S. Politics.
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Re: What is your political standpoint?

Post by Pestilencemage » October 28th, 2012, 9:38 pm

Anarchy is an illusion. It is either impossable to exist, or exists everywhere alwayse (depending on your view) Given the absence of government, the population will simply form a series of natural mini-government systems of varrious forms. This process is instantanious and therefor renders true Anarchy impossable. Once these individual mini-governments merge together to a significant degree, one would be declared (or declare themselves) the "true" government. At this time, the illusionary "Anarchy" that never existed would be declared over.

Consiter that today, right now, the entire government was destroyed. You would start off alone, as a Communist dictator/emperor of the society of yourself. You might join up with your friends and family to keep eachother safe in this uncertain time. Depending apon your collective group, perhapse one would be the leader of your family group and depending apon the influence assertable by it's members it would be consitered one of any government type from republic (The older ones makeing decisions, in the intrests of the group) to even Monarchy (Your dad rules the group simply by right of household head). Any scuffles between hostile groups would be akin to war between mini-nations. Even in these small numbers, governments form by nessessity. Government is natural and unavoidable. Just think of USA and Canada being neighbor households in a single country that is in a state of Anarchy.
On the opposeing view, any time the entire world is not joined under one rule could be consitered Anarchy. So USA is in Anarchy due to different states haveing different laws and the world is in Anarchy due to the existance of different nations. Paired with the above situation, Anarchy is either impossable or constant depending on how you view it.

P.S. Obama is clearly far more socialist then that graph discribes. "Free" healthcare is a (horrable failure of a) socialist/communist idea highly incompatable with capitalist economic systems.

P.P.S. USA already has Free Healthcare. My wife and kids get free health insurance via government programs due to us being poor. Also, I went to the hospital twice (once for extreme chest pain whyle sick and once for the injuries sustained whyle chaseing down those 2 criminals) and did not pay for either one. I simply sent in a request to them for financial aid due to being poor and they waved the bill. Free healthcare! USA is not a place where people are refused the care they need due to finances.
I dont want to have buttsex with seven men in my basement, but I would like the freedom to have buttsex with seven men in my basement

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